
Minesweeper 2024

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               mrange & virgill              |
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     release name: Minesweeper/2024          |
             type: Windows 4KiB game         |
  release date: 18.08.2024                   |
  party/compo: Evoke 2024/Interactive        |
 code: mrange                                |
 music: Virgill                              |
mrange - The inspiration for this 4KiB game  |
 is the old Microsoft Minesweeper. What      |
 pushed me to attempt a 4KiB game was        |
 Serato's remarkable 256-byte C64 Tetris game|
I've made a few 4KiB intros before, so I     |
 thought creating a 4KiB game with OpenGL    |
 graphics and music would be an interesting  |
 challenge.                                  |
I always enjoyed Minesweeper, especially the |
 small puzzles. So, I changed the rules to   |
 make the board small and added a time factor|
 to the game.                                |
Thanks to Virgill for the music. Thanks to   |
 Pestis for Sointu. Thanks to Rune Stubbe and|
 Aske Simon Christensen for Crinkler. Thanks |
 to Laurent Le Brun for Shader Minifier.     |
 Big props to Serato for his amazing 256-byte|
 Tetris game on C64.                         |
The Minesweeper source code is available on  |
 GitHub for those interested.                |
 https://github.com/mrange/minesweeper2024   |
                                        _  .:!
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