Tiny Invaders by Abyss [web]
Short: Tiny Invaders Author: Abyss Type: game/ocs · · __ _ __ __ : __________/\___________ ______/\________________¦_ _ __\/__ _ _ / / /_//_/~________/ _\_ ¬\_/~ ¬Y~ ¬\_/ \______/~ ______/ \/ 7: \__ ¬|! \__ _|_____ !|_____ ¬|_____ ¬| |! | .|· | ¬|~ ¬| ·|~ ¬| :|~ ¬| :| _ __ _ _ _l____| :|_________|: _____|: _____|! _____;_ __ __ _ __ : `----' `----' `----' `----' :-Sd · . Abyss - The deepest experience T I N Y I N V A D E R S cREDITs Code & Audio: Pink Tools: Bartman Needs at least any Amiga. This is a tiny Space Invaders clone, done for fun some years ago but never released until now. Enjoy hundreds of parallax stars, more then 60 animated objects on screen and over 200 hundred colors. And all that at blistering 50fps. The future is now! Feel free to contact Pink at https://soundcloud.com/pink_abyss
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