
EnO saa Saunoa by Utfart

EnO saa Saunoa by Utfart
Wild demo compo entry for ASM 2018

Running on 5D Mark II with extended Magic Lantern as a module. This was mainly a learning experience and a proof of concept that it it possible =)

*** DISCLAIMER *** We do not take ANY responsibility on if you install this and break your camera: Actually DO NOT DO IT, it's highly possible that it can cause damage as we shoot directly to memory addresses on a platform that has no public API. *** DISCLAIMER ***

go to https://magiclantern.fm/ and read their disclaimers and instructions on installing Magic Lantern

Also it may void your warranty on your camera (although 10 years old tho' ;) if you install 3rd party software in to it =D

the version of Magic Lantern used is under folder MagicLantern_w_DemoModule

it contains the demo.mo module under modules which is the demo.

Also the .raw files are resources for the demo under ML folder.

This is the content and exact version running on the video.

dj tuattaja

thx to: