
in_demo by Crude

           ___________________ __::_______________________ 
           \_   ______/_____  \_ \/  \______  _/   ______/ 
            |   /    ¬\_  )/  _/      \_  )/  ¬\_   __/ ¬\_
            l__________/__/    \_______/________/_________/
   <---------------- - -- \_____/--------jnk-- --- ---- ------------->
                          C R U D E  2 0 0 2
   <---------------- -- ----------------- -- -------------------- --->
                release name : IN_DEMO
                release date : 28-07-2002
                what is it   : DEMO
                company      : CRUDE
    <---------- -- - -------------------- - -- - --------------------->
                       R E L E A S E  N O T E S
   < - -- ------------ -- ---------------------- - -- -- ------------>
         Here is our contribution to the Inercia 2002 Demoparty 
         Enjoy the demo!!
                    Quit the demo with the ESC key!
                         find us on irc efnet