Line Feed by Defence Force [web]
======================================== .____ .__ | | |__| ____ ____ | | | |/ \_/ __ \ | |___| | | \ ___/ |_______ \__|___| /\___ > \/ \/ \/ ___________ .___ \_ _____/___ ____ __| _/ | __)/ __ \_/ __ \ / __ | | \\ ___/\ ___// /_/ | \___ / \___ >\___ >____ | \/ \/ \/ \/ ======================================== An Oric MCP40 Printer Color demo by Dbug at Solskogen 2016 ======================================== Release date: July 2016 ======================================== ___ __ / \___ / _| ___ _ __ ___ ___ / /\ / _ \ |_ / _ \ '_ \ / __/ _ \ / /_// __/ _| __/ | | | (__ __/ /___,' \___|_| \___|_| |_|\___\___| ___ / __\__ _ __ ___ ___ / _\/ _ \| '__/ __/ _ \ / / | (_) | | | (__ __/ \/ \___/|_| \___\___| ======================================== About this intro: ======================================== I hate to go to a party an not release anything. I had nothing ready, but I had my Oric with me, as well as a printer I got from eBay few weeks earlier... so I decided to try coding something on the party place. After hours wasting paper and pens in broken experiment I finally ended up with a somewhat decent but way too long small 'demo' :D ======================================== How can I watch this?: ======================================== Well, that's why there is a video: As far as I know, there's no emulator as of today that emulate the graphic printer, so you will have to use a real Oric Atmos or Pravetz 8D as well as a real MCP 40 printer. Then it's just a matter of loading the BASIC program and run it. And there goes the source code: ======================================== 10 REM 20 REM Oric MCP40 demo 30 REM 70 HIMEM #6000:POKE#1A,96 80 TEXT:PAPER4:INK6:CLS 90 HIRES:PAPER7 95 !LOAD"LOGO.BIN" 100 PRINT "Oric MCP 40 MiniDemo" 101 'GOTO 11000 102 GOSUB 7000 ' Pen degreasing 105 GOSUB 4000 ' Defence Force demo 110 GOSUB 5000 ' Retro frame 120 GOSUB 6000 ' Credits 128 GOSUB 7000 ' Rasters 130 GOSUB 8000 ' Blue crossing lines 131 GOSUB 7000 ' Rasters 140 GOSUB 9000 ' Random patterns 145 GOSUB 7000 ' Rasters 150 GOSUB 10000 ' Scroller 155 GOSUB 7000 ' Rasters 160 GOSUB 3000 ' Sinus stuff 165 GOSUB 7000 ' Rasters 199 END 200 REM RESET POSITION 210 LPRINT CHR$(18);"A";CHR$(18) 220 LPRINT "I":LPRINT"S1":LPRINT"L0" 230 LPRINT "C0" ' Black pen 239 RETURN 2000 REM LINE TYPE DEMO 2010 LPRINT CHR$(18) 2020 FOR I=0 TO 15 2030 LPRINT "I" 2040 LPRINT "L";I 2050 LPRINT "P";"LINE TYPE :" ; I 2060 LPRINT "D400,0" 2070 LPRINT "M0,-20" 2080 NEXT I 2090 LPRINT CHR$(17) 2100 RETURN 3000 REM SINUS STUFF DEMO 3005 GOSUB 200 ' Reset position 3010 LPRINT CHR$(18);"I" 3020 LPRINT "M240,-240" 3030 LPRINT "I" 3040 LPRINT "M0,0" 3050 A=10:B=30 3060 REPEAT 3070 GOSUB 3200 3080 B=A:A=A+20 3090 GOSUB 3200 3100 B=B+40 3110 UNTIL B=210 3120 B=200:GOSU8 3200 3130 LPRINT "M100,-250" 3140 LPRINT "PHI!" 3150 LPRINT CHR$(17) 3160 END 3200 LPRINT"M";A;",0" 3210 FOR M=0 TO 2*PI STEP PI/100 3220 X=A*COS(M):Y=B*SIN(M) 3230 LPRINT"D";X;",";Y 3240 NEXT 3250 LPRINT"D";A;",0" 3260 RETURN 4000 REM Hello Solskogen 4010 GOSUB 200 ' Reset position 4030 LPRINT "L0":LPRINT"R0,-60" 4035 FOR C=0 TO 1 4036 LPRINT "H":LPRINT"R2,-2":LPRINT "I" 4037 LPRINT "C";C 4040 LPRINT "Q0":LPRINT"PDefence ":LPRINT"Q1":LPRINT"PForce " 4050 LPRINT "Q0":LPRINT"Pat Solskogen ":LPRINT"Q3":LPRINT"P2016 " 4060 LPRINT "Q0":LPRINT"Pwith an ":LPRINT"Q1":LPRINT"POric MCP 40 demo..." 4070 NEXT C 4080 RETURN 5000 REM Olskool frame box 5010 GOSUB 200 ' Reset position 5015 LPRINT"C0" ' Black pen 5016 LPRINT"R0,-30" 5020 LPRINT"J0,-20,30,0,0,20,400,0" 5020 LPRINT"J0,-20,30,0,0,20,-20,0,0,-30,20,0,0,-100" 5030 LPRINT"J-20,0,0,-30,20,0,0,20,-30,0,0,-20,-400,0" 5040 LPRINT"J0,20,-30,0,0,-20,20,0,0,30,-20,0,0,100" 5050 LPRINT"J20,0,0,30,-20,0" 5015 LPRINT"C3" ' Red pen 5017 LPRINT"R5,-5" 5020 LPRINT"J0,-10,30,0,0,10,390,0" 5020 LPRINT"J0,-10,30,0,0,10,-10,0,0,-30,10,0,0,-90" 5030 LPRINT"J-10,0,0,-30,10,0,0,10,-30,0,0,-10,-390,0" 5040 LPRINT"J0,10,-30,0,0,-10,10,0,0,30,-10,0,0,90" 5050 LPRINT"J10,0,0,30,-10,0" 5060 LPRINT"R25,-110":LPRINT"S7":LPRINT"C2":LPRINT"PLine Feed" 5070 LPRINT"R0,-100" 5100 RETURN 6000 REM Credits 6010 GOSUB 200 ' Reset position 6015 LPRINT"I" ' Store position 6020 LPRINT"H":LPRINT"R0,-20":LPRINT"I":LPRINT"C1":LPRINT"S2":LPRINT"PCredits for this 'demo'":LPRINT"S1":LPRINT"R0,-30" 6030 LPRINT"H":LPRINT"R0,-20":LPRINT"I":LPRINT"C0":LPRINT"PPrinter Hardware":LPRINT"L4":LPRINT"D240,0":LPRINT"L0":LPRINT"PSomeone on eBay" 6040 LPRINT"H":LPRINT"R0,-20":LPRINT"I":LPRINT"C0":LPRINT"PHard to find pens":LPRINT"L4":LPRINT"D240,0":LPRINT"L0":LPRINT"PBest Electronics" 6050 LPRINT"H":LPRINT"R0,-20":LPRINT"I":LPRINT"C0":LPRINT"PCode":LPRINT"L4":LPRINT"D240,0":LPRINT"L0":LPRINT"C1":LPRINT"PDbug" 6060 LPRINT"H":LPRINT"R0,-20":LPRINT"I":LPRINT"C0":LPRINT"PMoral support":LPRINT"L4":LPRINT"D240,0":LPRINT"L0":LPRINT"C3":LPRINT"PMiriam" 6070 LPRINT"H":LPRINT"R0,-20":LPRINT"I":LPRINT"C0":LPRINT"PAdditional Support":LPRINT"L4":LPRINT"D240,0":LPRINT"L0":LPRINT"C2":LPRINT"PCarlsberg & Tuborg" 6080 LPRINT"R0,-50 6100 RETURN 7000 REM Pen degreasing 7010 GOSUB 200 ' Reset position 7020 LPRINT"L15":LPRINT"C0":LPRINT"J480,0,0,-3,-480,0,0,-3" 7030 LPRINT"L15":LPRINT"C1":LPRINT"J480,0,0,-3,-480,0,0,-3" 7040 LPRINT"L15":LPRINT"C2":LPRINT"J480,0,0,-3,-480,0,0,-3" 7050 LPRINT"L15":LPRINT"C3":LPRINT"J480,0,0,-3,-480,0,0,-3" 7100 RETURN 8000 REM Crossing lines 8010 GOSUB 200 ' Reset position 8015 LPRINT"C1" 8020 FOR X=0 TO 330 STEP 10 8030 LPRINT"M";X;",0":LPRINT"D";480-X;",-100" 8040 NEXT X 8100 RETURN 9000 REM Random dithering 9010 GOSUB 200 ' Reset position 9015 LPRINT"C3":LPRINT"M240,3":LPRINT"I" 9020 FOR Y=0 TO 25 STEP 1 9025 LPRINT"L";INT(1+RND(1)*15):LPRINT"J";Y*4;",0,0,-2" 9030 LPRINT"L";INT(1+RND(1)*15):LPRINT"J";-(Y*4+1);",0,0,-2" 9040 NEXT Y 9050 LPRINT"C2":LPRINT"H" 9060 FOR Y=0 TO 25 STEP 1 9070 LPRINT"L";INT(1+RND(1)*15):LPRINT"J";-(Y*4+1);",0,0,-2" 9080 LPRINT"L";INT(1+RND(1)*15):LPRINT"J";Y*4;",0,0,-2" 9090 NEXT Y 9100 LPRINT"C0":LPRINT"H":LPRINT"L0" 9105 FOR I=0 TO 5 9106 LPRINT"M";INT(2-RND(1)*4);",";INT(2-RND(1)*4) 9110 LPRINT"J80,-100,-200,0,120,100" 9115 NEXT I 9120 LPRINT"R0,-150" 9200 RETURN 10000 REM Scrolltext 10010 GOSUB 200 ' Reset position 10020 A$="Welcome to the scrolltext! This demo was written on the party place, 100% programmed in BASIC. " 10030 A$=A$+"I'm not sure if that qualify as a demo, but I sure tried my best :) " 10040 ' A$=A$+"Gargaj said it was probably more suited for the Wild category, due to the lack of animation, music, or anything remotely exciting :p" 10050 LPRINT"S4":LPRINT"C0" 10060 LPRINT"Q1" 10065 LPRINT"R400,-30" 10066 L=0:D=0 10070 FOR I=1 TO LEN(A$) 10080 LPRINT"P";MID$(A$,I,1) 10090 L=L+1 10095 IF D=0 THEN M=-30 ELSE M=-80 10100 IF L>20 THEN L=0:D=1-D:LPRINT"Q";1+D*2:LPRINT"R";M;",0" 10110 NEXT I 10120 LPRINT"R0,-530" 10200 RETURN 11000 REM Logo 11010 GOSUB 200 ' Reset position 11020 A=#A000 11030 FOR Y=0 TO 139 11040 FOR C=0 TO 39 11050 IF PEEK(A)=64 THEN GOTO 11100 11060 FOR XX=0 TO 5 11065 X=C*6+XX 11070 IF POINT(X,Y) THEN LPRINT"M";X*2;",";Y*2:LPRINT"J1,0,0,-1,-1,0,0,1" 11090 NEXT XX 11100 A=A+1 11110 NEXT C 11120 NEXT Y 11130 RETURN ======================================== To contact us: ======================================== Website: - irc: - #oric on IRCnet Other Defence Force Oric productions: ------------------------------------- Oric Tech - Released at the VIP 2015 (France) - Zerofr - Released at Kindergarden 2014 (Norway) - Pushing The Envelope - Released at Payback 2014 (Finland) - AlchimieGarden - Released at Alchimie X 2013 - Born In 1983 - Released at Solskogen 2013 - 3k FreeCell - Released at @party 2013 - Buggy Boy - Made for LCP Party 2004 (Sweden) - Barbitoric - Made for Alternative Party 2003 (Finland): - Assembly 2002 invtro - Made for Assembly 2002 (Finland): - Quintessential - Released at the VIP4 (FRANCE) demo party in 2002: - Oric Giga Demo - Released at the VIP3 (FRANCE) demo party in 2001: - STNICCC C64 Revisited - Released at the STNICCC 2000 (HOLLAND) demo party in 2000: - Just Oric - Released at the Volcanic 4 (FRANCE) in 1997 - Other Defence Force Atari productions: ------------------------------------- Save The Earth - Made for the 20th anniversary of the Atari STe -
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