


    a 4 kb intro made by tsc and net.

    r e q u i r e m e n t s .

    this  intro requires a pentium processor to run.  due to realtime  sound
    synthesis a p200 recommended.  for	sound output a	gus is required with
    proper ultrasnd= variable.	without  soundcard  the intro will not run !
    sorry,  no bytes  left  for workaround.  also  check the ammount of free
    memory before executing,  because no error detection performed.   59o kb
    should be enough.

    c r e d i t s .

    net  .					sound programming - patterns
    tsc  .					     addittional programming

    f a c t s .

    this intro	is totally  unoptimized and unsynchronized to the music.  it
    means  that  it's  speed very depends from  the  speed of the processor.
    sorry. 0 bytes left for proper solution. the reason for no design is the

    made in Hungary.