
64k Intro (STOCK) by Obscure [web]

This intro was first presented at the PCintro compo at Icing 97.
It was coded in Watcom C++, using Pmodew by Thomas Pytel and Charles Scheffold.
The musicsystem was done by Pascal. We also used Pascals fmath library.
The intro has several names. Choose name by hitting spacebar in the beginning
of the intro. Requires GUS for sound.

Coding: Anvil, Ally
Music: Evade

Personal greetings:
Breakin /Outbreak
Reanimator /Obscure
Ob1 /Obscure
Sharq /Getinge
Moonchild /Primary

Calle,Patrik,Enes,Kamis,H-Can,Anton och alla andra skummisar i N1D
Hela klass N3E som tog studenten p† Kattegattgymnasiet sommaren 97.
All in #coders, #swedescene, #scene.se

Allting har ett slut, „ven denna filen, s†vida man inte „r troende hinduist,
ty dessa har en cyclisk kronologi och tror att allting b”rjar om p† nytt,
till skillnad fr†n den tradionella kristna tron som har en helt linj„r
tidsuppfattning, med en best„mmd b”rjan och ett best„mmt slut.
V„rldens sourcecode borde allts† se utt n†tt p† f”ljande vis.

Fast gud kodade f”rst†ss assembler