One Man Dog by Kinetic PC
K i n e t i c P C ------------------------------------------- O N E M A N D O G ------------------------------------------- N u t c a s e Q u a d ú Ä ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ Ä ú One Man Dog Boliini Radiowaves Two Worlds Night Hours Followed By The Sky Under The Rose Out Of Nowhere Jigsaw Puzzle The True Road I Travel ú Ä ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ Ä ú Finally... we did it! This musicdisk was a big project that started half year ago. It was supposed to be coded by various ot her coders, but after I met these dudes i n Kinetic PC in Assembly '96, it suddenly was clear that Quad was the only one to d o it. Thank you very much, Quad! You did a great job! It came out to be much bette r than the first plans I had long ago. Some of you might already know me, but a nyway, I started tracking in the late 80' s on C64. It's amazing that this machine still has a scene. Nobody would have beli eved it then. For me the 'scene' was equa l to 'Amiga'. There I learned my lessons and was introduced to the world of demos. For me it wasn't some ordinary demo calle d 'second reality' that brought me here. You should know that there has been a sce ne as early as in the middle of 80's! I d idn't like history in school, but you sho uld know it if you concern yourself as a member of the demoscene, bla bla bla :) Then the worst fears came true, but what else could have happened... Amiga died. O K, it's still there but I think it's pret ty little thing, but to be small has cert ainly some good things in it too. Like, e verybody knows what's happening, ppl know eachother, quality prods. etc. Anyway, PC is the standard now, and there's no choic e for me 'cause of being a student today. Yes, computer science is the thing! :) Army's behind, I had some time to compos e in summer, and here's the best of it. N ow I hear some ppl cry 'it's not techno!' and it certainly is not. This is to the i ndividuals that happen to like things lik e melody, harmony and that kind of things . Those may found this good, and I'd be s o happy to hear that. Those who want just noice... oh, fuckin' kill this! I feel li ke it's the end of the story. Who reads t his anyway? That's the attitude today :( Enjoy, if you can ;) Signed Nutcase/Kinetic PC ú Ä ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ Ä ú C r e d i t s : Nutcase music,design Quad code,design Xs object T h a n k s : S-P. Saarnio M. Manninen ú Ä ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ Ä ú H a r d w a r e r e q u i r e m e n t s : . Pentium (not required but recommended) . Sound card (preferably a 1Mb GUS) . VBE 2.0 compatible graphics system (either hardware or with UniVBE) . 5Mb of free HD space Hey, quality costs... ;) ú Ä ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄ Ä ú Quad: "Errr.. huhuh.. hey Nutcase, we've got a reader here! Look, he's on line 106 right now!" Nutcase: "Cool!! I mean, err... like... people don't seem to read this stuff anymore... or something." Quad: "Yeah.. err.. how shall we reward him? Is there any.. like.. secret information we could give to him? That would be cool! Yeah! Rules!" Nutcase: "A person who has read this far must have some sort of philosophical interest in this music disk.." Quad: "This music disk has the best music ever released. Grab it now! Huhuhuh.. cool.." Nutcase: "Shut up! We don't have to err.. like.. advertise it anymore. He has downloaded it already." Quad: "Oh yeah.. he's.. like.. stupid or something.. huhuhuh.. check it out, he's on line 133!" Nutcase: "Errr.. I wonder if the reader thinks the music disk sucks. 'Dear reader, please send me some mail'. Errr..huhuh?" Quad: " it is.." Nutcase: "No way, asswipe! <schmack!!> It's like.. err.. or something.."
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