
the Ultimate Meeting *2010 invitation by Nuance [web]

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          |                      DEMOLISHING THE SCENE SINCE 1991   |
           ¯|| presents...                                       ||¯
           _||                                                   ||_
          |--| "the ULTIMATE MEETING *2010 - INVITATION"         |--|
          |\||                                                   ||/|
          |\|| c++: okeanos         gfx: raven                   ||/|
          |\|| msx: saga-musix      txt: addie                   ||/|
          |\||                                                   ||/|
          |--| http://nuance-family.de                           |--|
           ¯||                                                   ||¯
           _||                                                   ||_
          |--|                                                   |--|
          |\||                                                   ||/|
          |\|| THE ULTIMATE MEETING *2010                        ||/|
          |\|| held from the 27.-29. december                    ||/|
          |\|| in karlsruhe/durlach/GERMANY                      ||/|
          |\||                                                   ||/|
          |\|| Besides the usual stuff you would expect from a   ||/|
          |\|| decent computer party like big projection screen, ||/|
          |\|| high quality audio equipment and demoscene        ||/|
          |--| competitions, TUM will also feature:              |--|
           ¯||                                                   ||¯
           _|| * space for up to 250 visitors                    ||_
          |--| * friendly and cozy atmosphere                    |--|
          |\||   that feels like family                          ||/|
          |\|| * perfect scene feeling: tUM is for sceners and   ||/|
          |\||   demoscene interested people only.               ||/|
          |\||   note: gamers/leechers, please stay at home!     ||/|
          |\|| * solid party network with internet uplink        ||/|
          |\|| * hotels near the partyplace                      ||/|
          |--| * free coffee and tea                             |--|
           ¯||   note: please bring your own cups and mugs       ||¯
           _|| * affordable food and drinks at the foodsupport   ||_
          |--| * the Ultimate Pizzawave,                         |--|
          |\|| * the Ultimate Meat-Thing                         ||/|
          |\|| * the Ultimate Breakfast                          ||/|
          |\|| * great fun- and fast-competitions                ||/|
          |\|| * memorable prizes                                ||/|
          |\|| * three great days with all your scene friends    ||/|
          |\||                                                   ||/|
          |--| for more informations visit their website at:     |--|
           ¯|| http://tum-party.net                              ||¯