
Legal tools disk #01 by The Golden Dawn

                                GoLDeN DaWN
                            Legal Tools number 1

This disk is public domain and can be freely copied.
Some or all of the programs on this disk are shareware - if you use a
shareware program regularly,please support shareware and register that 

All the programs on this disk have been archived,and need to be 
de-archived before use - there is a program on this disk to do this.
The program is called DC Xtract and is the only program on this disk 
that is not archived.
In my opinion,DC Xtract is one of the easiest programs of this type to 
use and should cause no problems for novice users. 
If you are not 100% sure of what you are doing,before attempting any 
de-archiving,please make a back up of this disk - copy this disk - 
2 sides,10 sectors,81 tracks.

Before de-archiving a program,you will first need some blank formatted 
disks - formatted 2 sides,10 sectors,81 tracks for some of the larger 
Load DC Xtract and click on the program that you want de-archived,you
will then be presented with the names of the files in that archive,
click on OK and you will then be asked where you want the program 
extracted to - click on disk B,you will be asked to insert disk B,now 
insert a blank formatted disk and click on OK.
Now all you have to do is follow the on screen prompts and the program 
will be de-archived onto disk B.
Depending on the size of the program,it will involve a fair amount of 
disk swapping.
If you have two disk drives then the operation is a lot simpler.

Obviously this is only a rough guide as to what to do,for more detailed  
instructions,please read the DOC file in the DC Xtract folder.

So what's on this disk then ?
DC Xtract - use this to de-archive the other programs

Disk Opus - Brilliant multi utility. 
Disk space needed when de-archived - 173097.

Gem Spooler 3.2 - Printer Spooler.
Disk space needed  when de-archived - 445374.

Marcel 2.2 - Brilliant shareware word processor.
Disk space needed  when de-archived - 721302.

Route Finder 1.8 - Electronic Map.
Disk space needed  when de-archived - 290585.


To contact The Golden Dawn,write to the following address :-

                                    86 Heolddu Grove
                                    Mid Glamorgan
                                    South Wales
                                    CF8 8UY 

Contact us for legal reasons only.
