Cherrible by Stadium
readme is in BETA version! _________________________________________________________________________________________ / \ | _______ _________ __ _____ _/\_ ___ __ __ __ _______ | | / _____\ |__|_|__| / \ |_| \\ \ / \ |/--| / || \ / ## ## \ | | \_________ |_| /____\ |_| || || |-||--| || || || | O # O | | | ______ \ |_| |----| |_| || || |-||--| | \\// | \ U / | | \________/ |_| || || |_|__// || \_____| /___||___\ ||||| | |/____________________________________________\||________________________________/___\ | |\ || __/_/ | | | ..::STADIUM::.. || ___/__/ / | | ..::PROUDLY PRESENTS::.. || ____/___/ / | | ..::::..CHERRIBLE..::::.. ||___/____/ ____________/ | | >>>>> OUR FIRST PRODUCTION <<<<< /_____/ / / / / / / / | \__________________________________________/_/ / / / / / / / \_______________________________________________________________________ /_/_/_/_/_/_/ || .........:: Platform: Windows 98/ME/XP || .........:: Requirements: || .........:: * don't know yet :D /\ \/ .........:: contact: .........:: Mail: .........:: Supporting site: .....:: Readme will be expanded in the future... .....:: Coder's ending word: I'd like to thank a few people who helped me in creating this demo: * Kelly Dempski for a great book called "Real-Time Rendering Tricks and Techniques in DirectX" and the KCzcionkaDirectX lib :D which helps a lot in rendering fps counters * Ian Luck for BASS - good, fast, small and free music library ( ..................::: END OF FILE :::.........................................................
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