Integrated Software for Omega Devices by Software Failure [web] & Sector Omega [web]
SOftWARE fAilURE & SeCTor OmEga PrEsEnTs a Demo for GP2X Called: --------------------------------------------- -- Integrated Software For Omega Devices -- --------------------------------------------- Code & graphics Ham/Software Failure Music JosSs/Sector Omega ---------------------------------------------- - Final Version - ---------------------------------------------- greetings to: THE SHITFACED CLOWNS, MATT CURRENT, EPHIDRENA, RGBA, NECROSTUDIOS, LOONIES, SCARAB, IRIS, FUZZION, XPLSV, NATURE, MANKIND, SPÖNTZ, TPOLM, GLENZ, PURPLE STUDIOS, STRAVAGANZA -(See you in others futuresceneproductions)-
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