Quantum Disco Brothers by wamma [web]
" porno on ihan jees " ___,,,yyy ,,yyy\\\\$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$7' ,`$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 7 ,i$$,`4"""``_`$$$$$$ $iiy,,__ i$$$$$yyii77$$,`$```` ,,,,, ""//$$$7' yy7777 i$$7`$$$$$"``$$$, ,$$iiyy,,_ ,$$$$$, ,$$$7' l$$$: :$$$ `$$$l $,`$$$,$$$$$$$$$$$Siy,$$$'$$$, .$$$l yyy :$$$l l$$l `$$$,`$,`$$$7', $$$ `"77$$$' `$$$, l$$$l,,__ $$$ l$$$:$$$:__,,l$$$,`$,`7' i$ $$$ ,`\$' `$$$, ```^^//$$$$$$yy,,$$$$$$$$$77\\\\777,`$, y$$$, ,$$b` `$$$, ``^^//$$$$$$$l`` _,,,,,,,___l$$$$$$$ ,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, ----------- ``""7$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ----,$$$'--------- [ W A M M A ! ] ,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ `"77 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ `"""////$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ````"""//// wAMMA Nintendo Entertaiment Section presents [ QUANTUM DISCO BROTHERS ] - a 64k intro for NES at Stream 2006 - [ S T A R R I N G ] [ code ] visy + pahamoka [ gfx ] zeroic + inkoddi + progzmax + mangaelf + sakamies [ zax ] ilmarque [ I N F O R M A T I O N ] Yes, it really does run on a real, unexpanded European PAL Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) console. The copycart is custom-made by a finnish hardware hacker (FunkyFlashCart). The ROM-image is slightly larger than 65536 bytes because it has a header for NES emulators. The executable size on the real machine is precisely 65536 bytes! The recommended emulators for viewing this demo are the latest versions of Nintendulator and Nestopia. All others suck at various parts (tricky timing, PPU tricks etc.). Do remember, that emulation will probably never be as accurate as the real hardware. Even the best emulators will fsck up some of the effects. So sorry, Linux users, but FCEU really doesn't cut it. The NES homebrew scene is slowly growing. Hopefully we shall all see some quality productions on the NES and Famicom in the near future. NO GUARANTEES FOR THE HIDDEN PART! :) [ G R E E T S ] Dekadence, aspekt, fit, Traction, Ananasmurska, Byterapers, Nalleperhe, Dragon Magic, Shitfaced Clowns, Hedelmae, ISO, HiRMU, flo, Fairlight, pWp, oetoekaet, RNO and the rest ;) [ N E S S C E N E G R E E T S ] 8bitpeoples, retrocoders, Chris Covell, Quietust, Lasse rni, Memblers, SnowBro + everybody at NESdev forums Special thanks to fuzb of Lahti-scene for the amazing copycart used during the developement process! [ 8 - B I T G R E E T S ] Jumalauta (keep up the good work) /--------------------------------------------------------------------\ | .nfo by visy .ascii by g6 | \--------------------------------------------------------------------/
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