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jfyeNG - Newtek LightWave replayer Copyright (C) 2003 Arnaud STORQ This document contain the following sections : presentation platforms newtek lightwave compatibility constraints & general rules newtek lightwave content directory texture scrolling archive management precaching replaying snapshot package credits contributors todo license contact & website All users of jfyeNG should read this documentation before any use. PRESENTATION jfyeNG allows to render scenes and objects created using LightWave 6.X and 7.X from Newtek (visit www.newtek.com for more informations about). PLATFORMS jfyeNG works on every Win32 platforms (95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP) (OpenGL, Software), Linux (X11) (Mesa) and Sony PlayStation 2 (EE-GS only). Its architecture is robust, modulable and portable. NEWTEK LIGHTWAVE COMPATIBILITY Don't forget that jfyeNG is designed to render real-time scenes. So don't make use of advanced features of LightWave. Here is a list a supported features : SCENE objects motion dissolve parent null deformation morph mixer (endomorph) pivot point lights (hardware accelerated versions only) distant ONLY intensity motion color camera motion parent zoom factor scene size backdrop color OBJECT n-surfaces scrolling gouraud* mapping* planar UV cubic cylindrical spherical environment (faked) additive* double-sided n-edges IMAGE JPG TGA 8,16,24,32 bits (raw, packed) *=can be combined. Ex: both gouraud+planar mapping for a surface. CONSTRAINTS & GENERAL RULES Morphing works only with Planar and Environment mapped objects. Use Planar or Environment mapping with endomorph. You can only use textures in JPG and TGA formats. An object can't have multiple layers. PS2 and Software version do not manage lights. You can use Size and Center parameters when texturing. NEWTEK LIGHTWAVE CONTENT DIRECTORY (Windows only) Pushing the "set LW path" button on the user interface allow to set the Content directory, working exactly like Newtek LightWave does. TEXTURE SCROLLING jfyeNG can manage up scrolling (SCUP), down scrolling (SCDN), left scrolling (SCLT) and right scrolling (SCRT). In order to use this feature, name your texture with the keyword SCUP inside (for up scrolling). Example: TEXTURE_SCUP.TGA ARCHIVE MANAGEMENT jfyeNG can manage full path (Ex: "C:\LW\LWS\SCENE.LWS") or browse files from an archive file ("filename.JNG"). It consists to link scenes into a one-and-only compressed .JNG file. This way is safer to distribute your work, because the user does not have to use the scenes with their local path. You can create archive files using jfyeNGArchiver. PRECACHING jfyeNG can improve frame-rate performances when rendering a scene by using precaching. It allows to display only what is necessary (Ex: if an object is recovered by an another one, it won't be displayed). It produces a .PRK file located into the same directory than the scene file (Ex: "C:\LW\LWS\SCENE.PRK"). You can create .PRK precaching files using jfyeNGPrecacher. REPLAYING (Windows and Linux only) "Space bar" allow to skip the current scene to the next one. When the end of a scene is reached, then the next one is replayed. When there are no more scenes to replay, the playlist restart from the beginning. "L" key allow to switch to Lines mode. "S" key allow to make a snapshot (see next section). If a scene has failed while loading, then a red empty screen will be displayed instead of replaying it. SNAPSHOT (Windows and Linux only) The "S" key allow to save snapshot of the current replayed scene ; "jfyeNG.TGA" will be created into the current directory of jfyeNG. PACKAGE jfyeNG package contain the executable of jfyeNG (Windows, Linux and Sony PlayStation 2 platforms), jfyeNGArchiver (Windows only), jfyeNGPrecacher (Windows only) and this documentation. CREDITS All code by Arnaud STORQ (http://norecess.planet-d.net) "LWSINTERP.C" file based on implementation of Ernie Wright (http://www.newtek.com) JpegLib (IJG JPEG LIBRARY) (ftp://ftp.uu.net/graphics/jpeg) FMOD (Firelight Technologies) (http://www.fmod.org) CONTRIBUTORS Win32 splash-screen and icons by Yoyo (yoyo@planet-d.net) Linux X11 beta-testing by Jylam (jylam@lnxscene.org) beta-testing by Med (medcg@hotmail.com) beta-testing by f0st (@ ?) beta-testing by Yoz, LightWave test-scenes (ANDRE.Jose@wanadoo.fr) LightWave test-scenes by Xbarr (@ ?) LightWave test-scenes by Fraa (@ ?) TODO the following features should be implemented in future versions of jfyeNG, ordered by priorities (kind of brainstorming) : bones management correct lights management bitmap 2D displayer (billboard) particles management triangles stripping correct dissolve implementation, using a sort algorythm for blended faces add LZW and RLE compression to .JNG files running jfyeNG as a screen saver object removal (using bounding boxes) lwo packer (unused chunk removing) LICENSE jfyeNG is FREE for non-commercial purposes ONLY. If you want to use it for an another use, please contact me. CONTACT & WEBSITE Arnaud STORQ at norecess@planet-d.net Visit http://norecess.planet-d.net
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