
Ski or Death 2022 Invitation 3.11 by Hiihtoliitto

   ___________  ___     ________    _____  ___ ____
 /'         // /   .       /    \  /      -  |   ./|    |
 //_______ //\/   /        /    / /      /___|  |  |____|
         ' //\   / and/or  /   , /____  /    | -+- |   /
 -------' //  \____    ___/__-- _\___  /    '   |  |  / 2022
                                                |    '


 Ski or Death 2022 Invitation 3.11 by Hiihtoliitto

 Released in 2021/10.

 MGMT:   jorma ollila
 CODE:   savupiippu
 SHDR:   Hiihtopiällikkö & ruoetsalainen luukku & murtomaalurkki & Michelangelo of Turtles
 JS:     jorma ollila
 GFX:    Ski or Die! team & Michelangelo of Turtles & hemohespiikki & DDR Slopestyle -48
 TEXT:   jorma ollila & Michelangelo of Turtles
 MUSIC:  jorma ollila feat. Rob Hubbard
 TESTNG: mayor / wide load (OS X), Hemohes-ohitus & henu & hiihtokissa (Linux)

Demo is best viewed with a can of room temperature Pirkka III beer.

Service Pack 1 version adds Linux & OS X ports of the demo, fixes some missing characters in fonts,
some typos, information about event being sold out and adds the missing date!

Linux version has been tested on many Ubuntu 20.04+ releases. 18.04 won't work because to too old libc.

Mac OS X version has been tested on Big Sur X86_64 & M1 with Intel & AMD & M1 GPUs.