
Bad Apple by Progen

Bad Apple!!

aka progen plays with video encoding

Original video by Anira
Original music by Masayoshi Minoshima (Alstroemeria Records)

Should work on ARM2/MEMC1a or later with 1 MB of RAM and hard drive.

VGA screens are supported, but will need ARM3 or above. On pre-RiscPC
machines basic resampling will be used to compensate for the higher audio
clock; this causes a slight loss of quality.

Video is lossless 320x240x16 at 25 FPS, encoded as 4x4 macroblocks. Audio is 
ADPCM at 20833 Hz, played back with 4x oversampling/noise shaping.

Tested on :

* A3000, ARM2/8, 4 MB RAM, RISC OS 2.00, external RISC Developments IDE
* A3000, ARM2/8, 4 MB RAM, RISC OS 2.00, internal Watford Electronics IDE
* A5000a, ARM3/33, 8 MB RAM, RISC OS 3.11, motherboard IDE
* RiscPC, Kinetic/233, 34 MB RAM, RISC OS 4.03, motherboard IDE
* Arculator v2.0, numerous settings - note v2.0 has an IDE bug that will
  cause intermittent crashes. Run from HostFS instead
* RPCemu v0.9.3, RISC OS 3.71, both interpreter and recompiler

- progen