Beep Musicdisk by Beep
Welcome to the first official Beep release! What is "Beep"? It's a new hungarian music group, formed by three musicians who thought it'd be cool to team up and release quality music - music in general, we're not devoted to any style or even PLATFORM. Yep, you heard right, we're currently composing tunes on both PC and C64, and we hope you'll find our work to be worthy listening to. We are: - Carlos / Beep^Breeze^Mandula - Generic / Beep^Exact = Con / Triad - Reptile / Beep^Astroidea The file you're reading belongs to our very first musicdisk, containing sids and xms from us. Note that this player is modular, so when we release new "records" in BIP format, you'll just have to copy them to this directory, and the player will recognize them. You'll need THESE to run the Beep! Musicdisk: - Windows 95/98 (it should run under NT too - not tested tho) - Windows compatible sound card - Some RAM, the more, the better - Pentium processor (166 will do it) I think the interface is quite straightforward, so you'll have to figure it out by yourself! :) (Okay, hint: a record usually contains more tunes, grab the arm and move it over the disk!) When the Midas Setup pops out, just choose VERY HIGH - it's not slow at all, and it sounds incredible! Credits: - Music: the Beep staff - Graphics: Xtro/Rhyme - Big thanks pal! - Code: Reptile/Astroidea - with massive help from Mrz/Astroidea! - Midas Sound System: Sahara Surfers (BOTH ARE GREAT - Sidplay: Michael Schwendt LIBS!) Contact us at:! p.s.: This is an incomplete release, the built-in monitor on the desktop is not implemented yet - Out Of Order! :)
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