
Amos demo disc

ÿþ   _____________ AMOS - Design the game of your dreams _____________

   *AMOS - The Game Creator* is like nothing you've ever                 time and wor on interrupt - up to 64 sequences possible

   seen before on the Amiga.                                           "  Define sequences using the flexible range of commands 

     Developed by the author of the number one, best-                    or from the AMAL creator accessory

   selling STOS, AMOS stretches the Amiga to its limits. Now 

   for the very first time you can access the awesome power            Music

   of your computer with bewildering ease.                             "  Play Soundtracker or GMC (Games Music Creator) tunes 

                                                                         on interrupt

   Here's just some of the things you can do:                          "  Access the Arniga's sound chip directly

                                                                       "  Edit music with the easy-to-use music accessory

 % Screens

   "  Define and display up to eight screens each with its own        % Miscellaneous

     resolution, size in x and y, position on TV, colour palette,      "  Modify the copper list using the built-in commands or 

     and even in HAM, half-brite or dual playfield                       insert your own unique list

   "  Clone a screen's data to another screen to create multi-          "  Access the Amiga's graphic primitives

     player games with ease                                            "  Move screen areas around at blitter speed

   "  Scroll a screen simply by changing the screen offset. By          "  Super-fast window and text routines

     overlapping different screens you can create multi-level 

     parallax scrolling                                              % Editor

   "  Load an IFF picture to create a screen or overlay it onto         "  Use the sophisticated scrolling editor to create programs

     an existing screen                                                  with                                 numbers         m

                                                                         statement lines

 % Sprites                                                              "  Choose from more than 400 different commands to 

   "  Create sprites with ease using the feature-packed sprite            produce the results you want with the minimum of fu.

     editor                                                            "  Hold up to four programs and 12 accessories in memory 

   "  Display your creations as either hardware or software               at once

     (BOB) sprites                                                     "  Store music, sprites, IFF picture files and so on in memory 

   "  Move up to a staggering 400 sprites at once thanks to               banks which you can load and save independently of 

     AMOS's intelligent routines. AMOS will even snap to-                your program

     gether hardware sprites automatically when the image              "  Add new commands with ease (3D routines for example)

     requires more than four colours or exceeds 16 pixels in           "  Port STOS programs to your Amiga

     the x-axis                                                        "  Works on the A500 with a single drive

   "  Animate as many BOBs (Blitter OBjects) as memory will             "  Supports hard disc drives

     allow, definable to any size and displayed at lightning 

     speeds with automatic screen buffering                          % What you get.

                                                                       AMOS Basic, sprite editor, sprite grabber, music editor, 

   AMAL                                                                copper list editor, example games, Basic manual, Accesso- 

   "  Use the AMOS Animation Language to create complex                 ries manual, reference card all for just £49.95!

     sequences for sprites or screens which compile at run-

   ______________________________________________________________      ________________________________________________________

                                                                       [ ] Please send me more information about AMOS - 

    = The world of STOS =========                                          The Game Creator

     With sales in excess of 35,000 units, STOS has to be one          [ ] Please send a demo disc. I enclose a cheque/postal

     of the biggest-selling packages for the Atari ST. Users                 order for £2 payable to Mandarin Software.

     have written shoot 'em ups, role playing games, ad- 

     ventures, dental databases, financial programs - and 

     scientists in Toronto use STOS to conduct lightning                 Name


     research! In the shops you'll find STOS Compiler,                   Address


     STOS Maestro (for sampled sound), STOS Sprites 600, 


     Games Galore (a collection of four great STOS games) 

     - and soon ST owners will be able to buy STOS Musi-

     cian, STOS Vidi Digitizer, and more.                                                               Postcode


         Again Again's Gilbert - Escape from Drill was 

     written in STOS as was Fun School 2. Three other                    Send to: Mandarin Software, Europa House,

     educational software houses are currently using STOS                Adlington Park, Adlington, Macclesfield SK10 4NP.

     to create innovative teaching aids.