Another little fractal graphics/THREE.js experiment. The demo is dedicated to 269Life and the matching title is meant to attract some extra attention to that meaningful movement (see http://www.269life.com). Credits: 1) The raymarching based renderings used in this demo are based on the 'pseudo kleinian' algorithm by Knighty (see Fragmentarium examples). Variations of the used 'distance functions' were derived by experimentation and inspired by different work in the http://www.fractalforums.com (e.g. by Crist-JRoger, et al.). Parts of "boxplorer2" have been migrated for use with THREE.js/WEBGL. 2) This page would not have been possible without the many clever algorithms for things like: Blinn Phong reflection, ambient occlusion, bokeh, random noise, etc (see source code for more detailed references). 3) The bundled song 'Dark Grey' was created by Wolf Budgenhagen (see https://www.wrightandbastard.com/ ) and the song 'Ashley Walbridge Arica(Darkmelo Edit)' was created by Darkmelo (see https://soundcloud.com/ulquiorra-ben-hafsa) and music is used here with their consent. 3) The "free" fonts used are '1942 report' from fontsquirrel.com", 'Vertigo' by Brian Kent" and 'Mountains of Christmas' from fonts.google.com Copyright (C) 2017 Juergen Wothke Terms of Use: This software is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/).
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