Darnit! by Red Sector Inc. [web]
; Darnit! a 256 bytes by Baudsurfer/rsi 2013 aka olivier.poudade.free.fr ; Greets to all Pouet and Dark Bit Factory users who program in assembly ; Tested on xp sp3 with midi.Have a Happy New Year and a Merry Christmas org 100h mov word [20ah],0102h mov al,93h int 10h mov dx,3c9h A:shrd ax,cx,9 neg al out dx,al sub al,2 out dx,al out dx,al loop A les ax,[bx-2] B:mov ax,cx xor al,0ach xor al,ah and al,0f0h stosb loop B les ax,[bx] mov fs,ax mov dword [0e0h+2],7f00005bh mov dx,J mov ax,251ch int 21h C:dec byte [0d7h] jnz D xor byte [cs:H],0ddh D:mov dx,-100 E:mov bp,320 F:fninit fild word [3h] mov [si],dx fild word [si] fdiv st0,st1 mov [si],bp fild word [si] fdiv st0,st2 fldz fld st0 mov al,byte [0d2h] G:fld st3 faddp st2,st0 fadd st0,st2 fld st1 fistp word [si] mov bx,[si] add bl,byte [0d1h] fist word [si] mov ch,[si] shld bx,cx,8 cmp al,byte [fs:bx] jbe H dec ax jnz G H:nop stosb dec bp jnz F inc dx cmp dx,100 jnz E mov di,10h test word [gs:46ch],di jz I inc byte [0d1h] xor word [0e2h],di I:in ax,60h dec ax jnz C ret J:pusha push word cs pop ds mov si,1ah xor byte [si],1 jz N lodsb mov di,19h dec byte [di] jnz K mov byte [di],4 K:mov bl,byte [di] shr bl,1 pushf mov al,bl mov bx,20ah dec byte [0d2h] js L dec bx L:xlatb popf jc M shr al,4 M:mov bx,O aas xlatb shr al,1 mov si,0e0h mov ah,al salc sub al,066h mov [si+003h],ax add al,030h mov [si],ax mov dx,00331h mov al,03fh out dx,al dec dx mov cx,7 rep outsb N:popa iret O:db 2,49h,0a5h
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