BoRnTrO by Insolit Dust [web]
BoRnTrO - (c) 2012 Insolit Dust Code by Calogiuri Enzo Antonio. Hello guys, this is the first production of Insolit Dust group called "BoRnTrO". Sorry for the lack of fancy name, but needed something that would make the idea. This small demo uses only 4 old school effects, to let know us and invite you to visit our website. == Commandline Options == -h : show help -window : run demo in windowed mode (not fullscreen) == Requirements == This Linux version requires the installation of SDL and SDL_mixer libraries. If you want to recompile the source code you must also install the version "-dev" of these libraries. == Recompile source code == Just run "make"!!! Enjoy and visit
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