
Shine by Excess [web]

'shine' (v0.6 - partyrelease)
a multiplatform demo by excess
released at kindergarden 2017-16 in norway, november 2001

________________________________________________ the story :

we want to jumpstart the norwegian demoscene. 
pretentious as hell. we know. never the less, here we
are - at kindergarden, which is known throughout europe 
as -the- amiga/scene-party. it has turned out to be quite
an experience. everything from c128, through game boy
advance, amigas of all sizes and shapes and up to the
latest in i386-based hardware (..which we happen to be
doing this production on).

_________________________________________________ the demo :

this demo has been under constant (more or less) 
development since xenox 01 where we released "arise".
it might be more correct to say that it's our 
_demosystem_ that has been under development. 
it always is. this precise production on the other hand 
was made almost entirely on the partyplace, with the 
exception of the music and some textures that was 
thrown together on the train to oslo from trondheim.
(we like laptops).

credits are usually something you get when you put your
hard earned cash into console-games, but can also be
something like this..

code by sesse & kusma
music by trenedy & gloom
pixeled graphics by kusma 
photos & manipulation by gloom
3d-objects by tick
design by gloom, kusma & sesse

__________________________________________ the requirements :

this demo "requires" a pc with either win98/2k/me/xp or
a reasonably new linux-distribution installed. it also likes 
to have good and stable opengl-drivers. we personally 
like nvidia [some of us...], but you're free to choose your
own poison, as long as it supports stencilbuffers.

________________________________________________ the greets :

acme, array, coma, contraz, darkzone, fudge, haujobb,
inf, komplex, kvasigen, prone, unique, nocturnal, progress,
proxima, purple, razor 1911, sorrox, spaceballs, therapii, 
tbl, tls, #scene.no & #amigano

__________________________________________________ contact  :

if you'd like to contact us you can do so by using the
wonderful wonderful internet.

sesse - sgunderson@bigfoot.com
kusma - eflund@online.no
gloom - bent@gathering.org
trenedy - rekse@online.no
tick - tick@psychoproject.net

our homepage should be up soon too, so you can stop
by http://excess.demoscene.no/

well, that's about it i guess. we hope you like this
demo more than our previous release, which we quite
frankly aren't that happy with (red.anm: except the
music :). if we feel like it, we might release a final-
version of that demo too, like we promised.

___________________________________________ interesting log :

<frenchy25> àéôä àúä?
<Tick> ja, helt enig
<frenchy25> îä?
<Tick> Jojo, flere ganger om dagen faktisk
<frenchy25> àúä éëåì ìçæåø ìòáøéú áá÷ùä
<frenchy25> èåá àæ áéé
<Tick> jaja...
<Tick> da sier vi det sånn da
<frenchy25> àúä éëåì ìçæåø ìòáøéú áá÷ùä
<Tick> Nei, jeg vet ikke helt.
<frenchy25> îä æä???????????
<Tick> Ja, det har jeg lurt på flere ganger også.
<frenchy25> àúä ìà ëåúá áòáøéú
<frenchy25> àðé ìà îäáéï
<Tick> I don't understand one goddamn word of what you say.
<frenchy25> u have a problem with your computer
<Tick> No, I don't
<frenchy25> you don't write in hebreu
<Tick> Of course not.. I am from Norway.
<frenchy25> your live in israel?
<Tick> I live in Norway
<frenchy25> ok 
<frenchy25> good bye

______________________________ asian martial arts statement :

ninjas are -way- cooler than samurais. there is really
no basis for comparison. so there you have it. :)

                              excess - overdoing it, in style