THX Collection #1 by Spearhead
Short: Music collection for C64 freaks! Author: (Mr Tickle) Uploader: (Mr Tickle) Type: demo/aga Requires: AGA, 020+ ____________ _____ _____ ______ ___ ___ _____ _____ _____ / _____/ __ \/ __/__/ __ \| __ \| | |/ __/__/ __ \| __ \ \_____ \ / \ __|__7 / | / \ | __|__7 / | / \ / ' \ ____/ | . | . < T | | . | \ \_______/__) \_______| |___|___|____)__|___|_______| |___|_______/ `---' `---' -÷mt÷- -×] Present to you [×- t h e T H X c o l l e c t i o n # 1 requires ................................................. aga amiga code & music ............................................. mr tickle graphics ..................................................... banjo This production marks Spearheads first release. Thanks to the power of THX, all you C64 freaks can get your hands on some cool new sounds! The cryptoburner introtune is a THX version of a future composer song taken from an intro for Protracker 3.0 :)) 68040 owners: This production suffers from a timing bug on your systems, simply disable everything! ÷ We need a cool amiga coder ÷ If you're good, get yer butt in gear and contact us: mail Hotwire on DCandy ............................... 0191 232 5527
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