
Microdemo by Lazer [web]


Hi! Photon would like to say you a few more things, which aren't
mentioned in the screens, or which are sooooo important, that I
want to repeat them:

1.) I am very sorry that there is such a lame Loader on this disk.
    I coded a fast Sectorloader just 2 month ago. Yesterday I
    assembled the whole demo, packed it and put it together. (It
    was enough work, believe me!). Hopefully I made a reset and
    put in the Demo disk. You won't guess what happened!
    I could hardly believe it myself! It worked! The whole demo
    was finished. So I rushed to ST-Ninja to show it to him.
    Of course it didn't run on his ST. In fact, it didn't run on
    any ST except of mine (I own an STE!). It was very interesting.
    The unpacked programs worked on each ST, the packed showed three
    bombs on and Blitter-TOS and four bombs on an old TOS.
    I really don't know where the bug is, and I haven't the time to
    search for it. Sorry! That's why there is this lame Loader!

     We really need good Coders, Musicians and Artists. If you want
    to join us, write to us (The adress stands in nearly each scroller,
    and it's mentioned some lines later!!).
    If you have made a demo in the past, send it to us!

3.) Need help?
    If you have any questions or suggestions take a sheet, write them
    down, put it in a envelop, put a stamp on it write our adress on it
    and put it in a letterbox. We'll try to answer as soon as possible!

4.) Need Source-Code?
    If you are interested on the Source-Code, send us:
                                   DM  15,--
or                                 ™S 100,--

    for EVERY Screen and the Name(s) of the Screen(s) you want 
    to have the Source-Code!!

    For the whole Source-Code you've to send us:

                                   DM  70,--
or                                 ™S 500,--

    If you find this Price horrible expensive, try and write your own
    And then you'll see how much Work it is, to write a Assembler-
    Screen without Help of anyone!!!

4.)a.) I know that Crews like TCB or TLB or ST-CNX or ??? never want 
       to buy a Source-Code (No Question!) and so we want to swap 
       Source-Code with the famous Crews!!!

                    So, I hope you'll enjoy the Demo!

P.S. We know that we're good and we want to be better!!
     But remember if you don't have Contacts with the Best 
     you can't be on the Top!!! And so we challenge the Best to
     give us a Chance!! Write us!!!

                      S E E   Y O U   L A Z E R !!!!!

                                 PO-BOX 261
                                1191 VIENNA


                                FELDGASSE 29
                             2326 MA. LANZENDORF

                                     Photon, 08-01-1991