Supergeil by Haujobb
(6S#BB@RG%/ %B@@@@@@ Haujobb proudly presents a 250b intro called %#@@@@@@#R@@@Qt /Q@@@@@ (@@@@@@@@G %@@@@@% C@@@ - Supergeil - ^R@GS@@@@@@G 3@@RB@@#~ 3@ e@S /C#@@@B/ %@@t /O@B/ e It's the first released demoscene-code from 3@( ^7S% OB@% e#@@@6 Optima (me). It's my first intro within the Re/ ~@@@BS%/ (@@@@@G 256b limit and it's my first go at using the @@B3 S@@@@@@@#6~ ^@@@@@B^ FPU through assembler. I'm sure that I've B@@@@@@@@@@@@R@@Q e@RR@@7^eK wasted a byte now and then but the outcome O@@@@@@@@@@@@~ /QR@@@% 6 is pretty much what I aimed for. I'm happy - R@@@@@@R~e@@( 6 if you're not, tell it to your best friend. 3@@@@@@S (R% ^(/ /%(/^ 3 K@@@@@~ ~@@@% C@@@@@@@% Greetings to Corial/Focus Design, all the e~ ~Q@K /^ (@@@@/ O@@@@@7 Jobbers, and Gunnars Farvebio. ^Q 7% GBQ6(%@@@@Q6S@@@@e K/ K@@@@@@@@@@@@@@R/ See you at /ORK%^ QSR@@@@@@@@@Q( 7 tSRe( /C /7CGGG6t/ (@ /OR~ 6@@@ 30 dec 2003
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