containment by vrtx
"containment" a 4k procedural gfx for inercia 2020 enjoying a month of demoshows, seminars, and party prep streams for inercia i knew i had to release something to the party as thanks to ps and others for the entertainment and motivations. here is a little entry for the 4k procedural graphics compo. run the exe and wait at the beautiful black screen for up to 25 seconds while the image is computed. if all goes well you will be presented with the procedurally generated image. included is a screenshot of the results from an nvidia 2070. big thanks to alia, cupe, evvvvil, iq, yx, for sharing ways and examples for making 4k graphics. shaders crunched with shader minifier by LLB and exe smushed with crinkler by mentor and blueberry. blackpawn / vrtx
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