
Swidron by Wanted Team [web]

                        _           __//\__           _
        -    -  ----\-- __ _________\ # o /____ _______ --/----  -    -
               .     \__\        .  // - _\        .  /__/ .        +
             __/|__   _/|____ __/|____\ //|____ __/|___  _/|____   +
         +   \_  _/___\____  \\_  _   \\____   \\_  _  \\_  _   \    .
          .   /  //    /  _  /_/_ /   /___ /   /_/  ___/_/_ /   /__ _  _
        _  __/   /\    \  /_    //       //     /  /_     //     /
           /_____/\     \_     //       /\      \____\   /\_    /\
           :sim1:  \      \_____\________\\      \_  e\_____\     \:2o2o:
                   w\_______\a           n \_______\t    d\________\
          -    -  -----/---------------------- -------\-----  -    -
                       /   -.w.a.n.t.e.d..t.e.a.m.-   \
        - _  _-  - ------------------------------ ---------- -  -_  _ -
              \              - proudly  presents -              /
            - --------- ---------------------------------- ------- -
                      /  - .Swidron..(c).1994.Bisoft. - \
       _  _ __.--------- --------- ------------------- ----------.__ __
       \ \   -:  supplied.by ...................... wanted.team  :-   /
        \ .  -:  cracked.by ............................. nemse  :-  .
         \   -:  released.on .................... 15.april.2o2o  :-
          .  -:  game.type ................. boulder.dash.clone  :-
      _  _ __ '------- ---------------------- ------------  -----'__ _  _
              -/             - .game information. -             \-
              .--- -------- ----------------------------- -------.
             -:  Har! For a long time, it was thought that this  :-
             -:  game has been lost. It has been a quite long    :-
             -:  sought-after one, as well. But now, you can     :-
             -:  finally have a look and play it. Yarrr..        :-
         _   _'---------- -------------------------------- -- ---'_   _
              -/               - . greetings . -                \-
              .------ -------------- -------------------- -------.
             -:  Harrr, all thee mighty pyrates on the wide sea! :-
             -:  Watch our brand new the crack-intro for the     :-
             -:  greetings if you wish to find out if you're in. :-
             -:  Yarrrr!...                                      :-
          .  -:                                                  :- \ .
        -/_  _'--- -----.--------.-------.---------.-------- -  -'___\_\ -
               -/    __/|____ __/|___  _/|____  __/|__    +     \-
                     \____   \\_  _  \ \____  \ \_  _/_____+    .
               +.        /   /_/  ___/__/_ _  /__/  \/    /__ _   _
                  _  ___/     /  /_      / /_    /  \/    \
                       \      \____\    /\_     /___/\     \
                       t\      \_  e\______\_____\a  m\     \_
                    /    \_______\                    \_______\
                  / -nfo design:.s1/theloOp.on.3o.aout.2oo8- \
             -  -.---------- --------/_ _\-------- -----------.-  -