Invaders game in 512 bytes (boot sector or COM file) by Oscar Toledo G. Jun/04/2019 This a game recreating the Invaders game in 512 bytes, that can be run as a COM file or put into a boot sector of a floppy disk to be run. Move with keyboard arrows to left and right, press Space to shoot. As it uses the PUSHA/POPA instructions it only works in 80286 and higher. A small video of the game running over emulation: If you want to assemble it, you must download the Netwide Assembler (nasm) from Use this command line: nasm -f bin invaders.asm -Dcom_file=1 -o nasm -f bin invaders.asm -Dcom_file=0 -o invaders.img Tested with VirtualBox for Mac OS X running Windows XP running this game, it also works with DosBox and probably with qemu: qemu-system-x86_64 -fda invaders.img Enjoy it!
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