
Gradient master by The Deadliners [web] & New Generation Crew

  ________                  .___.__               __   
 /  _____/___________     __| _/|__| ____   _____/  |_ 
/   \  __\_  __ \__  \   / __ | |  |/ __ \ /    \   __\
\    \_\  \  | \// __ \_/ /_/ | |  \  ___/|   |  \  |  
 \______  /__|  (____  /\____ | |__|\___  >___|  /__|  
        \/           \/      \/         \/     \/      
    _____                   __                         
   /     \ _____    _______/  |_  ___________          
  /  \ /  \\__  \  /  ___/\   __\/ __ \_  __ \         
 /    Y    \/ __ \_\___ \  |  | \  ___/|  | \/         
 \____|__  (____  /____  > |__|  \___  >__|            
         \/     \/     \/            \/        


- Allow graphic artists to create & preview how a gradient will behave on the
real machine using 12 bits colors (Amiga, Atari STe), especially to avoid ugly
banding effects.

- Provide programmers with palettes, directly as assembler source code (and C)


- This is a webtool, so that it works on all operating systems.
Unfortunately, I suck at javascript.