Fluxland BBS (1)
: : úú --|-- úú f l u x l a n d úú --|-- úú ____,-----,--, ____,---,____,-----,--, ,------,___ __________________ |: // | |: |: \_ _ |: / | \______ \|nO! __ ________ \ |ù |______ _ |----'- |ù __ |ù /_ |---//: __ __ _ |: |: |: | | ___/ |: |: __ | |> __ _ |: |ù |: \\ |ù |ù |ù | | :| |ù | :// | / | :\ |ù __ _ |ù | | | | | |____| |_________|________//___| ù\_______//____ |____| |________// | `-----' `----' `----' | úú----ú|ú-------------------------------------------------------------ú|ú----úú | staff : apocalypse --- crimson pirate --- dragon highlord | | both nodes 28,800 --- 1.4+ gigabytes of storage | | --- contact staff for personal account --- | | (416) 532-0601 -- (416) 533-4585 | úú --|-- úú úú --|-- úú : f l u x l a n d : ú ú
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