
Saturne '96 Report by Acid Dream & Tiny Toons

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                           T H E   R E P O R T

                        .saturne'96 report.

                             .documentation file.

                    .ý   HOW TO USE THIS REPORT    ý.

   We thank you for purchasing an Acid Dream & Tiny Toons product. ;)
      Following are some instructions in order to use your report.

                      .ý   READYING MATERIAL    ý.

  First run UNCRUNCH.EXE to have all datas uncompressed on your disk.
                 You should have at least 11 mo free...

                    .ý   PERFORMING ACTUAL USE    ý.

             Run S96REP.EXE to have a look at your report.
         Use left and right arrows to scroll through pictures.
      Up and Down arrows will let you get about text if needs be.
          As usual, people shown are named from left to right.

              You should also read the infofiles that will
                magically appear after uncompressing....

                   .ý   GETTING IN TOUCH WITH US    ý.

          The previously mentioned info files won't provide you
         with that information, so with give it to you now.

  .KARMA /Tiny Toons  (Code, Gfx, Font, Some Pictures, Comments)

    Snail Mail: Jocelyn RACOILLET
                4, Allee Du Bocage
                44240 La Chapelle Sur Erdre
    Voice     : 40 37 77 20 (please... don't wake up my little sister... ;)
    Carrier   : You can let me some mail on DUNE. +33-1-48790422..
    E-Mail    : Always changing, so i don't give it here
    IRC       : I'm sometimes on channel #demofr

    Last words: I'm really in need for some sources and info about
                vesa handling, 64k & 16m colors with mouse support...
                Providing I could'nt find any _working_ one,
                I'm not sure it still exist... ;)

  .BLUE DREAMER /Acid Dream  (Most Pictures, Comments)

    Snail Mail: Freddy MOUSSEAU
                Les Buissonnets
                49300 CHOLET
    Voice     : 40 71 00 30
    Some words: I'd like to get in touch with the guys on the picture
                titled "Pump up the volume". If you ever read that,
                please send me your adress.


    Snail Mail: Err... The swamp ??
                If you wanna contact me for any reason
                write to Blue Dreamer, he is my contact with civilization.

    Last words: If you have any problems using cyber-exoskeletons,
                I'm the guy you're looking for.
                I'm using a Cybernic model ST-01 customized
                with psion inductors, but if.......... . .

  .Others guys are

     Erk        /Intense     (music)

     Ironside   /Acid Dream  (Some Pictures)

     Floppy     /Acid Dream  (Pictures Scanning)

     Bisounours /Tiny Toons  (Bugs, Comments, Harassing Karma to make him
                             speed up, Heavy critizism about his way of coding,
                             and so on... ;)

     but they did'nt let me know if I could put their mail adress here...
     And now it's too late....

                         .ý   THAT'ALL !!   ý.

  You read it, that's all.. So, now go and have a look at that report!
