
My Super Jumalauta Sweet 16 by Jumalauta [web]

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 _ _               __ __________________________________________________ _   \
 //  info      _ _/ ___________________________________________________ _/  _/
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                               Jumalauta presents:
                           my super jumalauta sweet 16
 _ _               __ __________________________________________________ _   \
 //  credits   _ _/ ___________________________________________________ _/  _/
 /       _____/                                                         \___\

                               burzum the bitch
                          haluttu maksullinen nainen
 _ _               __ __________________________________________________ _   \ 
 //  joining   _ _/ ___________________________________________________ _/  _/
 /       _____/                                                         \___\

                 We are always on the lookout for new talent.
 _ _               __ __________________________________________________ _   \ 
 //  greetings _ _/ ___________________________________________________ _/  _/
 /       _____/                                                         \___\

             Jumalauta sends our love and respect to the following people:
                           The ones who were invited

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                        .NFO (c) sAk/jML 2001-2016

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            JL is so uptight but jML ever so cool (also next 16 years)!