
B.C. KID +1 by Wanted Team [web]

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   _ _ /_____        /_____      /___\      / \     /__       _/_____      /
             \ ______\     \ ____\    \ ____\  \ ___\  \ ______\  |  \ ____\
              \|:::::   .   \l  ...    \l       \| .    \lwanted  |   \l
    .   .  ...::::. : :      `          `        | ,     `  team. |    `
                  ' .            - - -           |/l____________|\|
                    .                            ` :              '
                   ::    .W.a.n.t.e.d..t.e.a.M.    :.
                    :      .proudly.presents.      :
                   ::        a cracktro for        ::
                    :                              :
                   ::        .. B.C. KID ..        ::
                   :         ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨         :
             ......:             a.k.a.             :.....
             :  PC Genjin, FC Genjin, Bonk's Adventure.  :
             :......                                .....:
                  ::         .O.N.E. disked,        ::
                   :   +1 trained and NTSC fixed    :
                   :            -  -  -             :
                   . .inspiration:......wayne.kerr. .
                   . .supplied.by:...........lucas.
                   : .music:........rudolf.stember.
                   : .player+msx.loader:..don.adan. :
                     .intro+ascii.gfx:........sim1. :
                     .intro.code:............sachy. .
                   . .released:.........21.o3.2o14. .
                   ...........  _  _  _            ..
                   :                                :
                     The original intro uses game's :
                     music and music player as only :
                   : about 4kb were left on the disk:
                   : for intro and boot loader.     :
                  .:            _  _  _             :.
                   :                                :
                      The intro in this archieve    .
                     contains both - music and the  :
                   . music player which were ripped
                   : from the game and put together :
                   : into one file. Not forgetting
                   . all the DOS stuff which had to :
                   : be also included. Dat'z et. =) .
                   :                                :
                   :..          _  _  _           ..:
                    ::                            ::
                    :    visit .WANTED.TEAM. at    :
                    .           ¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨        :
                     :: http://wt.exotica.org.uk ::
                    :                              :
                 '  `         : -  -  -            ,
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               :-: a.m.i.g.a .|/|       .         ::.....  .
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               |     \ ___\tL\_______\s:un!\ ____\ttn\ _____\2o14.
               | .    \lwanted  |           \l   :::  \l     
               | ,     `team  . |            `   : :'''`  '
               |/l____________l\l`        ``   ` ` :'' '
               ` :            ' '                  .
                                _  _  _            :

                       : use AMIGA TOPAZ fonts :
                                _  _  _            .