No Release, Sherlock! by Neurosis [web]
Neurosis presents: No Release, Sherlock! credits: visual by Georgy msx by TaZaR 4k synth by Gargaj / ÜD^CNS greetings: cns, tbl, holograms, future crew, mfx, kewlers, üd, dma, stravaganza, orange, haujobb, farbrausch, astroidea, quite, black tower, cappana, limp ninja, scoopex, rgba, yup, Ørøola, loonies, outracks, tbc, rebels, fairlight, traction, teh ONION, a moiré misszió bemutatja, neurotoxin special thanks: iq for his "Rendering Worlds with Two Triangles" seminar Frozen Ghost for making kickass psytrance music Mayhem for their fucking true black metal our Polish friends for the alcohol support (\m/ The intro requires a computer! \m/)
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