Gloom by Obscure [web]
The infofile This is the final version of obscures 64k intro Gloom. The partyversion is also included (PARTYVER.ZIP). Use that version if you have a gus and a vesa 2.0 compatible videocard. Credits Code: Anvil, Ally Music: Evade Graphics: Marton, Reanimator 3d graphics (city): Deuterium (not an obscuremember but nevertheless a great guy...) Supports GUS and soundblaster. The intro looks much better with native 320x200x16bpp support so please install univbe before running. Stuff we used in this intro: USMP (Freddy V) PTC (Gaffer) This demo won the Icing 64kintrocompetition held in Vttlehallen, Stenkullen 21-24 may 1998. Special greetings to Breakin, Liket, Whisker, Piglet, Diwic, Curly, Glazer, Liksys, Kalms and all other visitors for making it a jolly party =). Evade sends a special thank to Martyn for a tips to make the music better. Happening lately in Obscure: Zyrax has joined... as a coder Amrtani left. We are hoping to get something ready for Remedy 98 (a demo?). Meet us there or in #swedescene and #coders. Visit our homepage: Have a nice day
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