Option by Potion
========================================================== ______ / __ / O T I O N .c.o.d.e.> Mavey & Diamond / /_/ / ___/ is proud .m.u.s.i.c.> Skip / / to present .g.r.a.f.i.x.> Rork an 64kb intro .t.e.x.t.u.r.e.s.> Nelson Rem ========================================================== required: Amiga with PPC processor and GFX card, 32MB recommended: A4000+o6o+PPC604e+CVision ========================================================== what's in ? ··· truecolor 640x480x32bit CGX screen ··· realtime raytracing! ··· phong shading ··· bezier texture scaling ··· reflections ··· refractions ··· shadows ··· moving light ··· wather ··· ppc sound engine ··· calculated 18 channels digiboosterpro music!
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