Disk Maggie 02 by The Lost Boys
MAGGIE ISSUE 2.0 BY TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT LLL BBBBBBBBBBB TTT LLL BBB BB TTT LLL BBB BB TTT LLL BBBBBBBBBBB TTT LLL BBB BB TTT LLL BBB BB TTT LLLLLLLLLL BBBBBBBBBBB and NEXT and all our friends. First of all before you leave this document I would like to give you a small hint for the hidden article: IT HELPS IF YOU WANT TO PRINT SOMETHING. WHERE IS THE RELEASE DATE ? This read me will be very short as there is only 5K left on the disk when I have started typing this. Here is some information on this disk. It's format is 82 Tracks, 10 Sectors and therefore contains 824K of data. The entire magazine has been packed with the Ice Packer by AXE of DELIGHT except the files in the folder Programs. That means that this disk contains about 1.55 Megabyte of data (not too bad eeh ?). I had quite a few more things which I was supposed to put on the disk like for example some very good graphics by Sync (Sorry Thomas, but they will definitely go on the 3rd issue !!!!), some more articles, some source code and a 4 Track Quartet screen by Next. The reason why we did not put them on the disk is that we did not want to extend the disk to an 11 Sector format. All the things that did not go in this Issue will be featured in the 3rd one which is due to be released at the beginning of September !!!! I would like to point out again that you can make sure that you are one of the 1st to get the 3rd issue by sending us 2.70. We will then send it to you as soon as it is finished. All the cheques should be made payable to MICHAEL SCHUESSLER. If you want to sell this magazine in your PD library, either contact THE LOST BOYS or Budgie UK. If you are accepted as a distrubutor you will have to pay us a certain amount of royalties which I think is just fair !!! I have a little announcement to make, I was told by Tim Moss that it is VERY LIKELY THAT RICHARD KARSMAKERS AND STEFAN POSTHUMA WILL BE WRITING ARTICLES FOR FUTURE ISSUES (IT WOULD BE GREAT IF YOU COULD GUYS !!!!). Also, look out for the game written by the LOST BOYS, we ask everybody not to hack it or ever spread it !!!! All the sources for the Mindbomb Demo are now available (except the screens by Digital Insanity and Chuck the Fox) from our PD library for 8 per screen. If you buy more than 2 screens you can get them for 6.50. I think that that is quite reasonable. If there is anybody out there who is intersted in writing articles for this magazine, send them to us as an ASCII file. We are still looking for people to send is cheats, to do us some GOOD intros or to write us some great game reviews !!!! Now there is only 1.7K left on the disk and I should better come to an end, Michael Schuessler (Sammy Joe of TLB) P.S.: A mega hi to all the people going to Nexts party, I'll see you there. P.P.S.: Still 1K not used on the disk, what can I say ? The pictures at the beginning of us are very very accurate (I had a hair cut, but my hair is not that short !!!!!) P.P.P.S.: I hope that Germany will win the world cup tonight as for once I think that they are definitely the best team. It would not be fair if Argentina wins as they had far too much luck getting so far. P.P.P.P.S.: The tape I am currently listening to to Scorpions World Wide and now it is ACCEPT's Hungry Years. Acid Reign are cool !!!! I am really running out of ideas of what to bullshit here !!!! P.P.P.P.P.S.: Tomorrow I have my last exam for this term !! PARTY TIME, FUCK SCHOOL AND LONG LIVE THE LOST BOYS! GOOD BYE
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