Anemia #2
$$$$$$$$$,-,$$$$$$$$$$,-,$$$$$$$$$$$$, ------------------------------------- $$$$ $! $ ggggg $$$$$ ggggg $$ $. $ ,gggg$. $ $. $ $: .$ $. $ " $: .$ The People Behind Anemia $. $ $: .$ $: .$ $$:.$ $: .$ $$:.$ $:.$ $$:.$ $$:.$ $$&$$ $$:.$ $$&$$ $$$$$$$$$$-$$&$$--------$$&$$----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Writers / Artists Needed Desperately Join #anemia on Effnet to join us! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A N E M I A A N E M I A A N E M I A Founders Korn Feral Coders StinkFist Top Ace Artists Anubis Osiris Rage TskOd Korn Editors Feral Korn Writers Black Death Kandy Dall Unseen Toth Elf Sysops Toth Top Ace Phobos Lord Nitro Wartide Ripper $$$$$$$$$,-,$$$$$$$$$$,-,$$$$$$$$$$$$, ------------------------------------- $$$$ $! $ ggggg $$$$$ ggggg $$ $. $ ,gggg$. $ $. $ $: .$ $. $ " $: .$ Distro Boards $. $ $: .$ $: .$ $$:.$ $: .$ $$:.$ $:.$ $$:.$ $$:.$ $$&$$ $$:.$ $$&$$ $$$$$$$$$$-$$&$$--------$$&$$----------------------------------------------- Board Name Nodes Sysop Area Code Position ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Central Park 05 Ripper +61-3 World HQ Needed +03 Nodes USA HQ Needed +03 Nodes Euro HQ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Faded Amibition 02 Toth n/a ANM Distro Virtual Chaoz 01 Top Ace 613 ANM Distro Marauder 02 Wartide +61-7 ANM Distro Sneakers BBS 02 Lord Nitro 604 ANM Distro ----------------------------------------------------------------------- $$$$$$$$$,-,$$$$$$$$$$,-,$$$$$$$$$$$$, ------------------------------------- $$$$ $! $ ggggg $$$$$ ggggg $$ $. $ ,gggg$. $ $. $ $: .$ $. $ " $: .$ Contact Info $. $ $: .$ $: .$ $$:.$ $: .$ $$:.$ $:.$ $$:.$ $$:.$ $$&$$ $$:.$ $$&$$ $$$$$$$$$$-$$&$$--------$$&$$----------------------------------------------- World Wide Web: By Email......: IRC...........: #anemia
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