
Wannabe by Nature [web]

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                          .x×X[ .. n a t u r e .. ]X×x.  
                              .. p r e s e n t s ..  
                                     .. a ..              
                                  .. d e m o ..

                                .. c a l l e d ..

                             .. " w a n n a b e " ..   

                             .. p r e s e n t e d ..

                                    .. a t .. 
                             .. i c i n g   ' 9 7 ..   

        -----------------------> how to install <----------------------- 
              Copy all files in the archive into one directory on your 
        ---------------------> system requirements <--------------------
       	      The AGA chipset + 2 megs chip- and 4 megs fast-memory!                             
	       The original archive of this demo requires 8 megs of
	        fast-memory, but you can decompress the file 'jox',
		    and then run the whole demo with 4 megs.
	   We hope to make a fix for this problem as soon as possible!

            It is advisable to have the command 'CPU' in C:. The demo
        will use it to turn on some processor caches to speed things up. 
        ----------------------> how to contact us <---------------------

             Our homepage: http://www.update.uu.se/~yomat/nature/
        --------------------> how to start the demo! <------------------

                     Just run the file 'Wannabe' from Shell

                .. h a v e   a   n i c e   d a y  /  p a r t y  ..