
_ by Escape [web]

           E          S          C          A          P          E

                                  b r i n g s

                   Y                   O                  U:



    C_o_d_e__ :  N____O / Escape (demo engine, blurred tunnel, smoothing stuff)
                 Charon / Escape (the rest)

    M_u_s_i_c :  5_0_5_ / Checkpoint

    Graphics_ :  flas_h / tnb-design

System requirements:

    Nothing special, a plain Falcon will do (RGB or VGA 100Hz). It won't work
    with accelerators I suppose.


    This demo was done for the ERROR IN LINE #3 easter convention held in
    Dresden, Germany. It shows the result of my 3D-engine coded on the
    greatest chip in the Falcon called DSP :-).
    Thanks to Norman for answering me thousands of questions during my learning
    phase. It's always so much fun to visit him, 505, Spex and of course
    Christin (das n„chste mal musst du eben noch l„nger warten ;) in Dresden!
    And thanks to Earx for his new version of qdsp which works again with
    dspdit and which is nearly twice as fast as the old one. It rulez!

    Well, that's it!

    Charon/Escape                                                      May 2003