
fuck #amigapl by Przyjaciele Stefana B.

short:    FUCK #AMIGAPL - an 64k intro by PSB from Astrosyn`97
uploader: azzaro/mawi+anadune (zorka19@puma.tu.koszalin.pl)
author:   polish sceners
type:     demo/aga
requires: no special

          A       S       T       R       O       S       Y       N
   ________ ______   ____     ________     ___________      _____ ________
  |  ___  (_) ___/___) _/__ _|   __  (_____)__    ___/______\   (_) __   (_
  |  \_/    _______      _/ (_   \/____     \/  _______      \   ___\/    |
   )__|   ___   (_/ ___      ___  \   |   _______   (_/ ____    _|  /     |
      |__(   )______|  )_____|  )__\  |__(       )______|   )___\  /______|
              1               9               9               7

                    check out our latest demo-releases :)
                    and of course "fuck" intro. i rules.

                     030 pany - see you at the party 7!

               T H I R D  place in the world! (JurassicPack#5)

           ._____.[staff]jacobs/appendix - prefix/appendix - ziutek/appendix
 _________ |¯    :      ________[demon/cyber freaks]
|¯    __ /_|   __|____._\   ___/[master] madbart/anadune^appendix^teklords
|______(       \__   ¬:    __>___:___________________ ___ _
     /¯          /         \    ¯|
    /      .    /       _      _  [a1200T/030/882/50mhz/quantum 1.3gb/cdrom]
   /_______:---/______.-)______(------------------------------------- -- -
                          _______   ________   ________   _________.______
 [node 0] +48-91-879493  /¯  ___/_._\   ___/ ._\  ____/_._\  _    ¬·      |
       _ ___ __________._\____   ¬:    ___>  :    \    ¬:   /______.      |
[open]                 |     /         \                      ¯\nd!:______:
   22-13/week 22-10 cet  _          _          _          _     \  |¯     |
- ------- -------------:-)________.-)________.-)________:-)______\ |______|
 [node 1] telnet
 [node 2] telnet  [anadune whq] [appendix whq] [teklords phq] [floppy phq]

 [dinx project phq]  [jormas phq]  [mawi phq]  [doggystyle phq]  [psl phq]
 [link 124 phq]  [venus art phq]  [ozone free phq]

                            ... ::          ____
    radioactive _________.  :::            |___| _______________ __
    bbs <--  ____        |      ·   ____      ___|         __  // /
    ________ |   .__     ·    .____ \___)     |            \     /
    |   __  \|  _|_/      ____|    |______.--------.        \   /
    :   |/ _/|  \_       .  __.    |      |    _   |  _ _____\_/______
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         \_____\ |_______|      ________ ____/           \ AchtunG /
                             ____       _____     ____    \/     \/
        [$Ð!/dGs]      ______|__   ____ |__  |    \__/  .____
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        ... ::::    |  \_      |   |    |   __/       \ · /| ---'
        :::      .  |___|      :   |____|        .____ \_/  ¯¯¯¯¯¯ ¯
             ::         |______|        |____ ___|
                             |____          .          - appendix phq -
        +48-58-216-071      ____ |__________|           - link124 whq -
        powered by a1240/40       sysop: cerber/appendix
                                              _______________________ _
        ascii - demos games - porn - util _ __|

                    [be sure you choose the right number]