
TwiggyXL by Pas Maters [web]

                       TWIGGY - A pOrtable SlideShOw
                               by Pas Maters

                              XL Edition Info

         Code........................................Dejko/Pas Mas
         Graphics.....................................Ilke/Pas Mas
         Font.........................................Tica/Pas Mas

        Twiggy  was first intended as a 64k 2x2 pixel slideshow, but turned
out   to  be  pretty  large,  so  we  declared  it  a  demo  and  made  the
even-smaller-below-64k edition, which is in 4x4.

        This is the 2x2 XL version.

        We  suggest that you take a look at all the three versions and take
your pick.  Beware, though, there's actually more than meets the eye :)

        Twiggy (in all versions) runs delightfully on a plain a1200 vanilla
machine. Yaaaahaw!