
Welcome To Our World by Darkage [web]

Short:    Welcome To Our World FINAL
Author:   mrtickle@amiga4k.ndo.co.uk
Uploader: mrtickle@amiga4k.ndo.co.uk
Type:     demo/aga
Requires: 68020+, AGA, 6MB

   ._______    ______    ________ ___ _____  ______   _______   _________
 .-|   _   \  _\____ \  _\__    /    /    / _\____ \ |  ____/_ |  _     /_-.
 |:|   \    \_     /  \_   /    \_   \    \      /  \_  \     \_  /____/ /:|
 `-|_________/_________/___\_____/____\    \ ________/_________/________/--'

                                · presents ·


                        (5th at Mekka/Symposium 2000)

                     Lousy Code, Lousy Gfx, Lousy Music:
                         Mr Tickle/DKG & Cupid/IRIS

Well,  here it is.  The final version of "Welcome To Our World".  The original
party  version was  coded on Cupid's Amiga  which has an 060.  When I got back
home  to  my  crappy  030/25mhz,  I  found  that  the demo  didn't  run to  my
satisfaction.  It still doesn't,  but this is a LOT faster.  The exact changes
from the party version are:

* Moved some more of the tunnel mainloop into the precalc table
* Added another precalc table for the tunnel (the tunnel is now MUCH faster ;)
* Tecon is  now  drawn a  longword  at a  time with a mask  (instead of a byte
  at a time)
* The endscroller is a bit faster (but still jerky and slow)

bla, bla, bla.. ;) Really it needs to be re-coded from scratch,  but that just
isn't going to happen...

Anyway,  this demo isn't earth shattering,  but  Cupid and I  had a LOT of fun
making it, and that is the most important thing. I hope it makes you laugh.

                   Note: There WILL be a sequal at MS2K+1 ...