out by Lineout [web]
=[ OUT ]================================ by lineout 2003/4 ---------------------------------------- lineout are proud to present this little demo for your atari falcon. it was originally meant for eil3, but was delayed as usual. it was previewed at paracon5 and finally released in jan 2004, phew... - requirements ------------------------- - 4mb ram (3.4mb free) - vga/rgb monitor vga60 is only there for compatibility. please try vga100 or better rgb50 if you can. the demo is meant for standard falcon. ct1, ct2, nemesis and phantom accelerators should make things move more smoothly. ct60 and ab40 owners: try at your own risk. - credits ------------------------------ code: earx graphics: c-rem/mjj, evl/dhs, havoc music: dforce 4 arm object ripped from binliner sources. author: msg, tat? - stats (std falc) --------------------- 1. gouraud-wireframe 3d city 320x200x16 approx. 400 lines, 50fps dsp 2. bilinear rotozoom 160x100x16 128x128 texture, 25fps dsp 3. deep rotozoomer 160x100 -> 320x200x16 motionblur, 50fps cpu only 4. 3d envmap kaleidoscope 320x200x16 192 n-polys, 15fps dsp (unoptimised) first of it's kind and it's on falcon! a leftover from 2002. 5. 3d textured spirals 320x200x16 480 tris, 20 alpha sprites, 20fps dsp 6. envmapping with background 320x200x16 100/150 n-polys, 25fps dsp 7. radial blur 160x100x16 33 layers, 20fps dsp - source code -------------------------- the complete source code is provided with this demo as a zip file. it also contains the file source.txt, which should help you to get started. - greetings ---------------------------- to all reading this and... - all at paracon5! great party, thanx paranoia! - chaos/farbrausch thanx for the radial blur tips - laxical/the silents sorry i didn't use your music, hope you can forgive me - the future --------------------------- a new (old) st intro is up. not on this label, but under a much older crewname. for the falcon there are still alot of plans: intros, demos, games, you name it. stay cool stay atari ======================= lineout 2003/4 =
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