
128 bytes of Party in the Bottle by PONR - Point of no Return [web]

128 bytes of Party in the Bottle

This bottle contains 128 bytes of Party Schmutz.

Runs on DOS in 16-bit real mode.

Loops indefnitetly. Press ESC to quit.

A party prod attempt to make 256 byte intro, but the time ran out so I only
made it to 128 bytes.

During development I used DOSBox Staging 0.81.0 on macOS running on M3 Macbook
Pro, with cycles=20000 with otherwise default settings.

Wish I had real hardware here to test this on, but my guess is this would just
run on 386 and would run smoothly on 486 @ 33 MHz.

code: oak

Greetings to all!