close your eyes by IJSKAST
' ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ' Program Title: Close your eyes ' Copyright: 1999 ' Author: kombi.IJSKAST ' Last Modified: no ' ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ' Description: Program template for PowerBASIC programmers to control ' exactly how PowerBASIC generates your executables. ' ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ' Notes: borrelnotes, tigernotes ' ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ' History: 1600, slag bij nieuwpoort ' ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── $CPU 8086 ' program works on any CPU $OPTIMIZE SIZE ' make smallest possible executable $COMPILE EXE ' compile to an EXE $DEBUG MAP OFF ' turn off map file generation $DEBUG PBDEBUG OFF ' don't include pbdebug support in our executable $LIB COM OFF ' turn off PowerBASIC's communications library. $LIB CGA OFF ' turn off PowerBASIC's CGA graphics library. $LIB EGA OFF ' turn off PowerBASIC's EGA graphics library. '$LIB VGA OFF ' turn off PowerBASIC's VGA graphics library. $LIB LPT OFF ' turn off PowerBASIC's printer support library. $LIB IPRINT OFF ' turn off PowerBASIC's interpreted print library. $LIB FULLFLOAT OFF ' turn off PowerBASIC's floating point support. $ERROR BOUNDS OFF ' turn off bounds checking $ERROR NUMERIC OFF ' turn off numeric checking $ERROR OVERFLOW OFF ' turn off overflow checking $ERROR STACK OFF ' turn off stack checking '$FLOAT PROCEDURE ' use procedural floating point to optimize for ' ' machines without a co-processor $COM 0 ' set communications buffer to nothing $STRING 16 ' set largest string size at 16k $STACK 2048 ' let's use a 2k stack $SOUND 1 ' smallest music buffer possible $DIM ARRAY ' force arrays to be pre-dimensioned before they can ' be used $DYNAMIC ' all arrays will be dynamic by default '$OPTION CNTLBREAK OFF ' don't allow Ctrl-Break to exit program DEFINT A-Z ' default all variables to integers for maximum $LINK "MSE_PB.OBJ" '\ $INCLUDE "BWSB.PBI" ' | Use these lines for PB3.x $INCLUDE "GDMTYPE.BI" '/ DIM ModHeader AS GDMHeader 'Module Header 'Freemem& = FRE(-1) - 800 'Basic Heap - EXE Memory (80000) A& = SETMEM(-100000) 'This is the memory freed for 'module and MSE usage. ' File Offset ─┐ ┌─ Oversampling rate (sound quality) ' ErrorFlag% = LoadMSE("SB16.MSE", 0, 45, 16384, &HFFFF, &HFF, &HFF) ' ' MSE file name ──┘ │ ├──────┴────┘ ' Buffer size ─┘ └─ Autodetect IRQ, base I/O ' address, and DMA channel SELECT CASE ErrorFlag% CASE 0 CASE 1: PRINT "Base I/O address autodetection failure": END CASE 2: PRINT "IRQ level autodetection failure": END CASE 3: PRINT "DMA channel autodetection failure": END CASE 4: PRINT "DMA channel not supported": END CASE 6: PRINT "Sound device does not respond": END CASE 7: PRINT "Memory control blocks destroyed": END CASE 8: PRINT "Insufficient memory for mixing buffers": END CASE 9: PRINT "Insufficient memory for MSE file": END CASE 10: PRINT "MSE has invalid identification string (corrupt/non-existant)": END CASE 11: PRINT "MSE disk read failure": END CASE 12: PRINT "MVSOUND.SYS not loaded (required for PAS use)": END CASE ELSE: PRINT "Unknown error on MSE startup" + STR$(ErrorFlag): END END SELECT ErrorFlag% = 0 'DONT use EMS File = FREEFILE 'Get a free file handle number OPEN "1.GDM" FOR BINARY AS File 'Open the module in binary mode ' ┌─ Calling: Load Flags (EMS enable) 'Load our module: Returns: Error flag (0 - no errors) Call LoadGDM FileAttr(File, 2), 0, ErrorFlag%, VARSEG(ModHeader), VARPTR(ModHeader) ' ' File ─┘ └─ Offset into └─ Module header that you can use later ' Handle file to load to get information on the GDM loaded. ' from. SELECT CASE ErrorFlag% CASE 0 CASE 1: PRINT "Module is corrupt": END CASE 2: PRINT "Could not autodetect module type": END CASE 3: PRINT "Bad format ID": END CASE 4: PRINT "Out of memory": END CASE 5: PRINT "Cannot unpack samples": END CASE 6: PRINT "AdLib samples not supported": END CASE ELSE: PRINT "Unknown Load Error:" + STR$(ErrorFlag): END END SELECT CLOSE File 'Close the file handle.. MusChans = 0 'Start out at zero.. FOR J = 1 TO 32 'Scan for used music channels IF ASC(MID$(ModHeader.PanMap, J, 1)) <> &HFF THEN MusChans = MusChans + 1 END IF NEXT ' ┌─ Actual oversampling rate in use (Hz) ' OverRate& = StartOutput(MusChans, 0) 'Start your (sound) engines ' '# of Music+Sound channels ─┘ └─ Amplification level (0 - none) ' speed and minimum size pi! = 3.141592654 rem *** this is the IJSKAST 64k intro for bizarre 1999 *** cls color 7 screen 0 print "Choose your sound card - using IJSKASTplayer" print locate ,19 print "1. Gus" locate ,19 print "2. Soundblaster" locate ,19 print "3. Adlib" locate ,19 print "4. IBM sound tech." locate ,19 print "5. Internal speaker" locate ,18 print "5½. PAS16" locate ,19 print "6. beeper" locate ,19 print "7. EWS64XL locate ,19 print "8. SB AWE64/32" locate ,19 print "9. diskdrive" locate ,19 print "A. HardSID" locate ,19 print "B. Double HardSID (stereo!)" print "any key will do for. No Sound" locate 15,60 input "";hallo_nu_een_variabele_invoeren_aub color 31 locate 18 print "warning. you do not have the card you selected" print "we'll try a SB16, if it crashes, you don't have one." delay 3.5 screen 0 cls delay .5 locate 10,33 color 2 print "L O A D I N G" for t = 12 to 14 locate t,32 print "[ ]" delay .2 next t color 10 for x = 12 to 14 for t = 33 to 45 locate x,t print "-" delay .1 next t next x delay .1 for x = 32 to 40 for t = 10 to 14 locate t,x print " " locate t,79-x print " " next t delay .1 next x StartMusic 'Enable the music play flag 'Music should be playing now. SCREEN 12 FOR r = 1 TO 210 CIRCLE (320, 240), r, (r*r/pi!), SIN(r / 2000000 * pi!) * 2 * pi!, r / 210 * pi! NEXT r locate 10,29 print "IJSKAST" locate 13,25 print "PRESENTS" locate 17,39 print "CLOSE YOUR EYES" color 7 locate 19,43 print "Close Your Eyes" color 8 locate 21,47 print "close your eyes" delay 4 cls color 7 screen 12 for t = 0 to 80 pset (t+320,224) pset (320-t,224) pset (t+320,226) pset (320-t,226) delay .05 next t for t = 0 to 85 line (241,224+t)-(399,224+t),0 line (241,226-t)-(399,226-t),0 line (240,225+t)-(400,225+t) line (240,225-t)-(400,225-t) delay .05 next t locate 11,36 print "IJSKAST is" delay .3 locate 13,32 print "about to infiltrate" delay .3 locate 15,33 print "your nervesystem" delay .3 locate 17,32 print "escape now you can" color 8 delay 3 locate 19,34 print " we warned you" delay .4 for t = 0 to 80 line (241+t,140)-(241+t,310) line (399-t,140)-(399-t,310) delay .05 line (240+t,140)-(240+t,310),0 line (400-t,140)-(400-t,310),0 next t screen 12 color 15 locate 10,42 print "IJSKAST wAS fOUNDED" delay .3 color 7 locate 12,20 print "oN jUNE tHE 4TH 1999" delay .3 color 8 locate 14,42 print "tHIS iS oUR fIRST dEMO" delay .3 color 7 locate 16,22 print "cLOSE yOUR eYES" delay .3 color 15 locate 18,42 print "fOR oPTIMAL pLEASURE" delay 1 for t= 1 to 210 pset (320+t,140) pset (320-t,140) next t color 7 for t = 0 to 170 pset (530,140+t) pset (110,140+t) next t for t = 0 to 170 line (110,140+t)-(530,140+t) delay .03 line (110,139+t)-(530,139+t),0 next t color 15 for t = 0 to 40 line (110,310+t)-(530,310+t) pset (110,310+t) pset (530,310+t) pset (319,310+t) pset (321,310+t) pset (320,310+t),0 delay .03 line (111,309+t)-(318,309+t),0 line (322,309+t)-(529,309+t),0 next t pset (320,350) for t = 0 to 360 line (531-t,310)-(531-t,350),0 line (321-t/2,310)-(321-t/2,349),0 line (320-t/2,310)-(320-t/2,349) line (530-t,310)-(530-t,350) delay .027 next t color 7 2 locate 21.1,24 print "elcome to this wonderful world delay 2 color 15 locate 13,40 print "Please close your eyes now" line (300,190)-(530,210),,b delay 1 for t = 15 to 22 locate t,6 print " " next t for t = 0 to 640 step 5 line (t,0)-(300,190),t line (t,0)-(530,190),t+8 line (t,480)-(300,210),t line (t,480)-(530,210),t+8 next t delay 2 1 rem *** initialize **************************************************effect 1 tim& =0 screen 7 '200x320 y=8 x=2 t1!=160 t2!=100 z=10 a=0 print " Oh boy, this really sucks" print " don't U think.... locate 24,1 rem *** main loop *** do until inkey$ <> "" tim& = tim& +1 if tim& = 50000 then goto 99 'locate 1,1 'print t1,t2 if z=10 then gosub 10 if z=20 then gosub 20 if z=30 then gosub 30 if z=40 then gosub 40 if t1! <200 and t1! > 120 and t2! <120 and t2! >80 then y=8 if t1! >200 or t1! < 120 or t2! >120 or t2! <80 then y=7 if t1! >250 or t1! < 70 or t2! >160 or t2! <40 then y=15 loop rem *** movement of circles *** 10 incr t1!,1.6 incr t2! circle (t1!,t2!),x,y circle (t1!,t2!),x+1,0 circle (t1!,t2!),x+2,0 circle (t1!,t2!),x+3,0 if t1!>= 300 then z=30 if t2!>= 180 then z=20 return 20 incr t1!,1.6 decr t2! circle (t1!,t2!),x,y circle (t1!,t2!),x+1,0 circle (t1!,t2!),x+2,0 circle (t1!,t2!),x+3,0 if t1!>= 300 then z=40 if t2!<= 20 then z=10 return 30 decr t1!,1.6 incr t2! circle (t1!,t2!),x,y circle (t1!,t2!),x+1,0 circle (t1!,t2!),x+2,0 circle (t1!,t2!),x+3,0 if t1!<= 20 then z=10 if t2!=> 180 then z=40 return 40 decr t1!,1.6 decr t2! circle (t1!,t2!),x,y circle (t1!,t2!),x+1,0 circle (t1!,t2!),x+2,0 circle (t1!,t2!),x+3,0 if t1!<=20 then z=20 if t2!<=20 then z=30 return 99 tim& =0 rem ****************************************************************effect 2! cls 'wat een onzin 'door B.S.E 'paar vage bugs, helemaal rechts is ook een beetje links 'TSJEESUSs, zo'n overzichtelijk proggie heb ik nog nooit gemaakt rem *** Initialize *** screen 7 '320,200 x!=0 xx!=160 yy!=100 rem *** Prints text on screen *** print " Uh oh it's getting worse!!!!!" 100 'Start loop incr tim&: if tim& = 150000 then goto 199 rem *** reads keyboard input *** a$ = inkey$ rem *** Draws a strange object on the screen and deletes a larger one *** circle (xx!,yy!),60,0,x!,x!,tan(sin(cos(tan(x!)))) incr x!,.1 circle (xx!,yy!),30,x!,x!,x!,tan(sin(cos(tan(x!)))) rem *** Random movement of the object *** randomize timer x1! = rnd*.1-.05 y1! = rnd*.1-.05 xx!=xx!+x1! yy!=yy!+y1! rem *** Make sure it doesn't fall of the edge *** if x!>100 then x!=0 'small bug, probably -x- gives error when too high if xx!<0 then xx!=1 if xx!>320 then xx!=319 if yy!<90 then yy!=91 if yy!>200 then yy!=199 rem *** -q- or -esc- to quit *** if a$ = "q" then end if a$ = chr$(27) then end rem *** Yes, you can help moving the object *** if a$ = chr$(0,75) then xx!=xx!-10 'left if a$ = chr$(0,77) then xx!=xx!+10 'right if a$ = chr$(0,80) then yy!=yy!+10 'down if a$ = chr$(0,72) then yy!=yy!-10 'up goto 100 'return to beginning 199 tim& =0 rem *****************************************effect 3 alweer (hoi!) cls screen 7 rem *** first some precalculations *** cls print "Did" print "you" print "find" print "the" print "hidden" print "bug?" tim& =0 pi!= 3.141592654 z! = 180 / pi! zz!= 360 / z! zzz! = .1 t! = 0 color 15 a=10 c=100 z!=.1 rem *** Main program *** 200 a$ = inkey$ if a$ = chr$(27) then end incr tim&,1 if tim& = 30 then gosub 210 if tim& = 50 then gosub 220 if tim& = 100 then goto 299 x! = sin(t!) x2!= sin(t!-zzz!) y! = cos(t!) y2!= cos(t!-zzz!) for b = 10 to c step a pset (160+x!*b,100-y!*b) pset (160+x!*(b+a/2),100+y!*(b+a/2)) next b delay .1 for b = 10 to c step a pset (160+x2!*b,100-y2!*b),0 pset (160+x2!*(b+a/2),100+y2!*(b+a/2)),0 next b incr t!,zzz! goto 200 210 locate 10 print "Which" print "one? " return 220 locate 15 print "There" print "were" print "so" print "many..." return 250 t=0 for x! = 1 to 80000 incr t!,1.1 pset (t!,(230*cos(t!))),t! pset (t!,(250/cos(t!))),t! pset (310*cos(t!),t!),t! pset (330/cos(t!),t!),t! if t! > 640 then t!=t!-640 next x! t!=640 for x! = 1 to 100000 decr t!,1.1 pset (t!,(230*cos(t!))),0 pset (t!,(250/cos(t!))),0 pset (310*cos(t!),t!),0 pset (330/cos(t!),t!),0 if t!<1 then t!=t!+640 next x! return 299 rem ******************************************************yes yes effect 4 color 1 tim& =0 REM *** Main Program *** screen 12 'Resolution of 640 x 480 t=1 'Start position = top left corner, -why? -why not? tt=1 't = horizontal, tt = vertical pl=30 'How many pixels to centre moves kkk = 0 goto 310 300 'main loop if inkey$ <> "" then end incr tim& incr kkk if tim& = 175 then goto 399 for te = 0 to 480 step 80 'Draws to lines from certain points for tel = 0 to 640 step 80 'to the centre (t,tt) line (tel,te)-(t,tt),kkk next tel,te return 310 'Routine for moving to the right and bottom gosub 390 'Goes to the place for removing "old" lines incr t,pl incr tt,pl if t> 620 then goto 320 'Make sure it doesn't bounce of the edges if tt> 460 then goto 340 gosub 300 'Move to the main loop, which draws to lines goto 310 320 'Move to the left and bottom gosub 390 decr t,pl incr tt,pl if t< 20 then goto 310 if tt> 460 then goto 330 gosub 300 goto 320 330 'Move to the left and top gosub 390 decr t,pl decr tt,pl if t< 20 then goto 340 if tt< 20 then goto 320 gosub 300 goto 330 340 'Move to the right and top gosub 390 incr t,pl decr tt,pl if t> 620 then goto 330 if tt< 20 then goto 310 gosub 300 goto 340 390 'removes the "old" lines from the screen for te = 0 to 480 step 80 for tel = 0 to 640 step 80 line (tel,te)-(t,tt),0 '...,0 means color = black, so delete line next tel next te return 399 tim&=0 rem *****************************************************555555555555 screen 12 x=40 locate 20,20 color 1 print "CODE KOMBI.IJSKAST" 400 a$ = inkey$ incr tim& if tim& =3001 then gosub 250:goto 499 if a$ = "q" then end x=x+1 gosub 420 if x=440 then goto 410 goto 400 410 a$ = inkey$ if a$ = "q" then end x=x-1 gosub 430 if x=40 then goto 400 goto 410 420 line (x,100)-(x,200) line (x-1,100)-(x-1,200),0 line (480-x,100)-(480-x,200) line (481-x,100)-(481-x,200),0 line (x,100)-(480-x,200) color 12 return 430 line (x,100)-(x,200) line (x+1,100)-(x+1,200),0 line (480-x,100)-(480-x,200) line (479-x,100)-(479-x,200),0 line (x,100)-(480-x,200) color 4 return 499 cls tim&=0 rem *****************************************************5555555-2222222 screen 12 x=40 locate 5,50 color 4 print "MUSIC JEUK.IJSKAST 500 a$ = inkey$ incr tim& if tim& =3001 then gosub 250:goto 599 if a$ = "q" then end x=x+1 gosub 520 if x=440 then goto 510 goto 500 510 a$ = inkey$ if a$ = "q" then end x=x-1 gosub 530 if x=40 then goto 500 goto 510 520 line (x,200)-(x,300),1 line (x-1,200)-(x-1,300),0 line (480-x,200)-(480-x,300),1 line (481-x,200)-(481-x,300),0 line (x,200)-(480-x,300),1 color 12 return 530 line (x,200)-(x,300),9 line (x+1,200)-(x+1,300),0 line (480-x,200)-(480-x,300),9 line (479-x,200)-(479-x,300),0 line (x,200)-(480-x,300),9 color 4 return 599 tim&=0 cls rem *****************************************5555555555555-4444444444 screen 12 x=40 locate 20,20 color 1 print "GRAPHIX BEMMEL.IJSKAST" 600 a$ = inkey$ incr tim& if tim& =3001 then gosub 250:goto 649 if a$ = "q" then end x=x+1 gosub 620 if x=440 then goto 610 goto 600 610 a$ = inkey$ if a$ = "q" then end x=x-1 gosub 630 if x=40 then goto 600 goto 610 620 line (x,100)-(x,200) line (x-1,100)-(x-1,200),0 line (480-x,100)-(480-x,200) line (481-x,100)-(481-x,200),0 line (x,100)-(480-x,200) color 12 return 630 line (x,100)-(x,200) line (x+1,100)-(x+1,200),0 line (480-x,100)-(480-x,200) line (479-x,100)-(479-x,200),0 line (x,100)-(480-x,200) color 4 return 649 rem **********************************55555555555555555555-6666666666666666 tim&=0 cls screen 12 x=40 locate 5,40 color 4 print "RED BULL PROVIDER KLEVER.IJSKAST" locate 6,35 print "also spiritual advisor" 650 a$ = inkey$ incr tim& if tim& =3001 then goto 699 if a$ = "q" then end x=x+1 gosub 670 if x=440 then goto 660 goto 650 660 a$ = inkey$ if a$ = "q" then end x=x-1 gosub 680 if x=40 then goto 650 goto 660 670 line (x,200)-(x,300),1 line (x-1,200)-(x-1,300),0 line (480-x,200)-(480-x,300),1 line (481-x,200)-(481-x,300),0 line (x,200)-(480-x,300),1 color 12 return 680 line (x,200)-(x,300),9 line (x+1,200)-(x+1,300),0 line (480-x,200)-(480-x,300),9 line (479-x,200)-(479-x,300),0 line (x,200)-(480-x,300),9 color 4 return 699 rem ********************************666666666666666666666666666 tim& =0 cls screen 12 for x = 200 to 400 circle (320,220),x,x next x x=0 t=0 700 b$ = inkey$ tim&=tim&+1 if tim& = 1500 then gosub 710 if tim& = 5000 then goto 799 if b$ = "q" then end circle (320,220),x,t x=x+1 t=t-1 if x = 150 then x = 0 goto 700 710 for t = 401 to 199 step -1 circle (320,220),t,0 next t return 799 rem *************************************************7777777777777777 x=1 hoogte = 60 step1 = 5 step2 = 3 for t = 1 to 55000 incr x,step2 line (x*step1,(sin(x))*50+hoogte)-((x-step2)*step1,(sin((x-step2)))*50+hoogte),c randomize timer c = int(rnd*15)+1 if x>130 then x=x-128: incr hoogte,1 if hoogte > 500 then hoogte=hoogte-439 next t 999 rem ************************************************greetz cls screen 7 print " print " print " print " print " print " print " print " print " print " print " print " print print print print color 2 line (60,20)-(100,30) line (100,30)-(100,90) line (60,20)-(58,48) line (58,48)-(100,58) line (100,90)-(55,84) color 5 line (120,25)-(115,90) line (120,25)-(150,40) line (150,40)-(118,60) line (118,60)-(155,95) color 9 line (165,20)-(165,80) line (205,20)-(205,80) for t = 20 to 80 step 30 line (165,t)-(195,t) line (205,t)-(235,t) next t color 10 line (60,15)-(300,15) line (260,15)-(250,90) color 11 line (270,30)-(295,25) line (270,30)-(265,50) line (265,50)-(290,45) line (290,45)-(285,70) line (285,70)-(260,75) color 5 print "IJSKAST WOULD LIKE TO GREET EVERYBODY" print "WHO VOTED FOR US" print "AND THAT INCLUDES YOU!" print print print ".............well it better include you" delay 6 1999 rem *********************************************************endsortoff 'quote van de dag 'ik zie door de blikjes bier mijn monitor niet meer cls screen 12 x!=320 y=240 w!=320 v!=320 circle (x!,y),319 2100 a$ = inkey$ if a$ <> "" then end circle (x!+2,y),100,0 circle ((x!*1.1)+2,y),120,0 circle (v!+1,y),160,0 x! = x! -1 w! = w! -.9 v! = v! -.75 if x!= 110 then goto 2200 circle (x!,y),100,8 circle ((x!*1.1)+2,y),120,7 circle (v!,y),160,15 goto 2100 2200 a$ = inkey$ if a$ <> "" then end circle (x!-2,y),100,0 circle (w!-2,y),120,0 circle (v!-1,y),160,0 x!=x!+1 w!=w!+.9 v!=v!+.75 if x!= 530 then goto 2500 circle (x!,y),100,8 circle (w!,y),120,7 circle (v!,y),160,15 goto 2200 end 2500 cls z=220 y=140 x=420 w=340 for t = 0 to 200 line (z-t,y-t)-(x-t,w-t),3,b 'cube line (z-t,y+t)-(x-t,w+t),1,b 'cube line (z+t,y-t)-(x+t,w-t),1,b 'cube line (z+t,y+t)-(x+t,w+t),3,b 'cube delay .005 next t for t = 0 to 200 line (z-t,y-t)-(x-t,w-t),4,b 'cube line (z-t,y+t)-(x-t,w+t),2,b 'cube line (z+t,y-t)-(x+t,w-t),4,b 'cube line (z+t,y+t)-(x+t,w+t),2,b 'cube delay .005 next t for t = 0 to 200 line (z-t,y-t)-(x-t,w-t),5,b 'cube line (z-t,y+t)-(x-t,w+t),5,b 'cube line (z+t,y-t)-(x+t,w-t),6,b 'cube line (z+t,y+t)-(x+t,w+t),6,b 'cube delay .005 next t for t = 0 to 200 line (z-t,y-t)-(x-t,w-t),7,b 'cube line (z-t,y+t)-(x-t,w+t),8,b 'cube line (z+t,y-t)-(x+t,w-t),8,b 'cube line (z+t,y+t)-(x+t,w+t),7,b 'cube delay .005 next t for t = 0 to 200 line (z-t,y-t)-(x-t,w-t),9,b 'cube line (z-t,y+t)-(x-t,w+t),10,b 'cube line (z+t,y-t)-(x+t,w-t),9,b 'cube line (z+t,y+t)-(x+t,w+t),10,b 'cube delay .005 next t for t = 0 to 200 line (z-t,y-t)-(x-t,w-t),11,b 'cube line (z-t,y+t)-(x-t,w+t),11,b 'cube line (z+t,y-t)-(x+t,w-t),12,b 'cube line (z+t,y+t)-(x+t,w+t),12,b 'cube delay .005 next t for t = 0 to 200 line (z-t,y-t)-(x-t,w-t),13,b 'cube line (z-t,y+t)-(x-t,w+t),14,b 'cube line (z+t,y-t)-(x+t,w-t),14,b 'cube line (z+t,y+t)-(x+t,w+t),13,b 'cube delay .005 next t 2000 for t = 0 to 200 line (z-t,y-t)-(x-t,w-t),15,b 'cube line (z-t,y+t)-(x-t,w+t),7,b 'cube line (z+t,y-t)-(x+t,w-t),15,b 'cube line (z+t,y+t)-(x+t,w+t),7,b 'cube delay .005 next t for x! = 0 to 320 step .1 line (x!,0)-(x!,480),x! line (640-x!,0)-(640-x!,480),x! line (x!-20,0)-(x!-20,480),0 line (660-x!,0)-(660-x!,480),0 next x! cls 2800 color 14 locate 5,41 print "O locate ,41 print "P locate ,41 print "E locate ,41 print "N locate ,41 print " locate ,41 print "S locate ,41 print "O locate ,41 print "U locate ,41 print "R locate ,41 print "C locate ,41 print "E locate ,41 print "-" locate ,41 print "C locate ,41 print "O locate ,41 print "D locate ,41 print "E locate ,41 print " locate ,41 print "R locate ,41 print "U locate ,41 print "L locate ,41 print "E locate ,41 print "Z x=0 t=0 do until inkey$ = chr$(27) incr x,1 line (cos(x),t)-(313,cos(x)*240+240),x line (t+640,cos(x))-(333,cos(x)*240+240),x if x = 3000 then goto 2999 loop 2999 cls color 7 cls locate 14,40:print "end" color 8 locate 16,50 print "You can open your eyes again" do until inkey$ <> "" loop StopMusic 'Disable music processing StopOutput 'Stop all sound output UnloadModule 'Free module memory FreeMSE 'Remove MSE from memory
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