
linked by Digitac [web]

LLLLLLLLLLL               iiii                   kkkkkkkk                                        d::::::d
L:::::::::L              i::::i                  k::::::k                                        d::::::d
L:::::::::L               iiii                   k::::::k                                        d::::::d
LL:::::::LL                                      k::::::k                                        d:::::d
  L:::::L               iiiiiiinnnn  nnnnnnnn     k:::::k    kkkkkkk eeeeeeeeeeee        ddddddddd:::::d
  L:::::L               i:::::in:::nn::::::::nn   k:::::k   k:::::kee::::::::::::ee    dd::::::::::::::d
  L:::::L                i::::in::::::::::::::nn  k:::::k  k:::::ke::::::eeeee:::::ee d::::::::::::::::d
  L:::::L                i::::inn:::::::::::::::n k:::::k k:::::ke::::::e     e:::::ed:::::::ddddd:::::d
  L:::::L                i::::i  n:::::nnnn:::::n k::::::k:::::k e:::::::eeeee::::::ed::::::d    d:::::d
  L:::::L                i::::i  n::::n    n::::n k:::::::::::k  e:::::::::::::::::e d:::::d     d:::::d
  L:::::L                i::::i  n::::n    n::::n k:::::::::::k  e::::::eeeeeeeeeee  d:::::d     d:::::d
  L:::::L         LLLLLL i::::i  n::::n    n::::n k::::::k:::::k e:::::::e           d:::::d     d:::::d
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LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLiiiiiiii nnnnnn    nnnnnnkkkkkkkk    kkkkkkk eeeeeeeeeeeeee     ddddddddd   ddddd

                A POC demo for the SteamLink by Jam-S/Digitac                    Code:   Jam-S
                                                                                 Music:  Jam-S
                                                                                 Shader: Jam-S

                     ____    ____  ____  ____  _____ ___  _   ____  ____  ____  ____
                    /  _ \  /  __\/  _ \/  __\/__ __\\  \//  /  __\/  __\/  _ \/  _ \
                    | / \|  |  \/|| / \||  \/|  / \   \  /   |  \/||  \/|| / \|| | \|
                    | |-||  |  __/| |-|||    /  | |   / /    |  __/|    /| \_/|| |_/|
                    \_/ \|  \_/   \_/ \|\_/\_\  \_/  /_/     \_/   \_/\_\\____/\____/

                                _      ____  ____  _____   ____  _____
                               / \__/|/  _ \/  _ \/  __/  /  _ \/__ __\
                               | |\/||| / \|| | \||  \    | / \|  / \
                               | |  ||| |-||| |_/||  /_   | |-||  | |
                               \_/  \|\_/ \|\____/\____\  \_/ \|  \_/

 .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.
| .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |
| |  _________   | || | ____   ____  | || |     ____     | || |  ___  ____   | || |  _________   | |
| | |_   ___  |  | || ||_  _| |_  _| | || |   .'    `.   | || | |_  ||_  _|  | || | |_   ___  |  | |
| |   | |_  \_|  | || |  \ \   / /   | || |  /  .--.  \  | || |   | |_/ /    | || |   | |_  \_|  | |
| |   |  _|  _   | || |   \ \ / /    | || |  | |    | |  | || |   |  __'.    | || |   |  _|  _   | |
| |  _| |___/ |  | || |    \ ' /     | || |  \  `--'  /  | || |  _| |  \ \_  | || |  _| |___/ |  | |
| | |_________|  | || |     \_/      | || |   `.____.'   | || | |____||____| | || | |_________|  | |
| |              | || |              | || |              | || |              | || |              | |
| '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |
 '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'
           .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.  .----------------.
          | .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. || .--------------. |
          | |    _____     | || |     ____     | || |     __       | || |     ____     | |
          | |   / ___ `.   | || |   .'    '.   | || |    /  |      | || |   .' __ '.   | |
          | |  |_/___) |   | || |  |  .--.  |  | || |    `| |      | || |   | (__) |   | |
          | |   .'____.'   | || |  | |    | |  | || |     | |      | || |   .`____'.   | |
          | |  / /____     | || |  |  `--'  |  | || |    _| |_     | || |  | (____) |  | |
          | |  |_______|   | || |   '.____.'   | || |   |_____|    | || |  `.______.'  | |
          | |              | || |              | || |              | || |              | |
          | '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' || '--------------' |
           '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'  '----------------'

        ..._..::=-=-=--- Timeline - When did it come to life? ---=-=-=::.._...

- a few weeks ago I had the idea to do a demo on the Slink.
- Hey, there's a SDK and it's for linux. Yay!
- looks like nobody has done this before.
  (Time to boldly go where no scener has gone before.)
- ...time flies...
- Oh f*ck! It's only a few more days to Evoke. Time to get going.
- 2018-08-15: Let's check the examples...
              Hmm, this looks more difficult, then I hoped.
              Let's check how writing shaders for OpenGL ES 2.0 works.
              Man, what a drag, GLES 2.0 *is* pretty limited.
              (spent the night researching and experimenting with shaders)
- 2018-08-16: Time to quickly hack a soundtrack (pulled off another all nighter)
- 2018-08-17: zZzZzZz ... ring, ring. ring, ... Time to pack bags for Evoke.
              At the partyplace:
               - demo is still only a skeleton that doesn't compile
               - that whole OpenGL ES pipeline is screwing with my head
               - playing sound with SDL should be easy... WTF does it not work!
               - ...
               - hacking all night (again)
- 2018-08-18: ~4 o'clock: my original plan for this demo cannot be done in time
                          --> switch to another simple one shader effect
              ~7:00: shader seems to be working
              ~8:00: got the sound playback working
              ~9:00: doing some quick 'timeline editing'
              ~11:00: finshed something that could count as a demo
              ~11:30: writing the readme, deadline in about 3.5 hours

           ..._..::=-=-=--- Motivation - Why the SteamLink? ---=-=-=::.._...

In my opinion the SteamLink (nah, let's call it 'Slink') is a cool demo platform:

- it's not too old, but quite limited:


    * single core ARMv7 processor (hard-float ABI) @ 1 GHz,
      (with neon instruction support)
    * approximately 256 MB of available RAM
    * 500 MB of usable flash storage
    * small form factor
    * HDMI out
    * on sale for < $10


    * custom Linux firmware based on kernel 3.8 and glibc 2.19
    * OpenGL ES 2.0
    * Qt 5.4
    * SDL 2.0
    * ssh
    * open source SDK on github

These limitations imho make it a cool platform to max out. Just like the C64,
Amiga and Z80 spectrum but with modern day connectivity out of the box.

So dear fellow scener,
please endorse this little box and make some great demos for it.
Perhaps we could even have a dedicated Slink compo sometimes in the future.

2018-08-18 12:00: Somewhat tired, but happy to have my Slink release ready.

Cheers Jam-S/Digitac


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 '_( )_   \ |  _ _   \    .'_ _   \  .'_ _   \          \ .-.'|    \  |  |'_( )_   \   / _     \( ` )
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'  \  '-   .|  |\ \  |  '  \   .---'  \   .---.  (_I_)   |   || (_ o _)  '  \  '-   ..---.  \  :  _
 \  `-'`   ||  | \ `'   /\  `-'    /\  `-'    / (_(=)_)  |   ||  (_,_)\  |\  `-'`   |\    `-'  |_( )_
  \        /|  |  \    /  \       /  \       /   (_I_)   |   ||  |    |  | \        / \       /(_ o _)
   `'-...-' ''-'   `'-'    `'-..-'    `'-..-'    '---'   '---''--'    '--'  `'-...-'   `-...-'  (_,_)

* Drehwerk
* haujobb
* BrainControl
* Poo Brain
* Farbrausch (esp. BeRo)
* Conspiracy
* Attention Whore
* Metalvotze
* Titan
* Kewlers
* Fairlight
* Loonies
* Still
* Bauknecht
* Speckdrum
... and of course all sceners of the world.