
award winners 2 gold edition cracktro by Scoopex [web]

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  +--[ Generations Ahead! - a legend on AMiGA |____| PC and CONSOLES -]--\/-+
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  +-----------[  takes again the pleasure to delight you with:  ]-----------+
  |                                                                         |
  |                     AWARD WINNERS II GOLD EDITION                       |
  |                                                                         |
  |  Release Date .... 24.MAR.94          Graphics .... 256 Color VGA       |
  |  Supplier ........ DEFJAY             Sound ....... SB,ADLIB            |
  |  Cracker ......... ANTIBYTE &         Size ........ 2 x 1.44            |
  |                    G-TRONIC                                             |
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  |  Notes:                                                                 |
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  |  This is a new games collection includes some real classic games.       |
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  |                                                     DEFJAY/SCX          |
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  |  Handshakes:   Razor1911, TRSI, Pentagram, RISC, THG ....               |
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  |  Here's the right place to welcome our new members from Australia       |
  |  and Swiss... HELLO!                                                    |
  |                                                                         |
  |  If you consider yourself to be affiliated with SCOOPEX in a way or     |
  |  another, don't hesitate contacting us at our boards.                   |
  |                                                                         |
  |  Inquiries concerning trading and board affilations should be discussed |
  |  with Saint Sinner.                                                     |
  |                                                                         |
  |  For mindshaking poems or other vital stuff you might try to write to:  |
  |                                                                         |
  |     SCOOPEX   -   P.O.Box 111   -   A-1081 Vienna   -   AUSTRIA         |
  |                                                                         |
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  +----------------------[ Call our Boards Worldwide ]----------------------+
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  |                                                                         |
  | Dead Zone       [.................PC...WHQ]  Node #1-4     +1-714-ELiTE |
  | Da Hauze        [.................PC...EHQ]  Node #1-4    +31-767-ELiTE |
  |                                                                         |
  | N.C.S.          [.......consoles..pc..CHHQ]  Node #1-?    +41-275-ELiTE |
  | Crackpoint      [amiga..consoles..pc...AHQ]  Node #1-2    +43-225-ELiTE |
  |                                                                         |
  | The Addiction   [AMIGA..consoles..pc...WHQ]  Node #1-3     +1-206-ELiTE |
  | Concept!Elite   [AMIGA..consoles..pc..USHQ]  Node #1-7     +1-718-ELiTE |
  | Secom City      [AMIGA..CONSOLES.......EHQ]  Node #1-3    +49-308-ELiTE |
  |                                                                         |
  | Black Roses     [amiga..consoles......CHHQ]  Node #1      +41-412-ELiTE |
  | E.S.C.          [amiga..consoles.......GHQ]  Node #1-4    +49-284-ELiTE |
  | Highway To Hell [amiga..consoles.......GHQ]  Node #1      +49-224-ELiTE |
  | Imagine BBS     [amiga..consoles.......SHQ]  Node #1      +46-421-ELiTE |
  |                                                                         |
  |                                                                         |

                                  Senseless :

              When I'm thinking
              I try to free my mind
              Now I'm drinking
              I hope to be blind             It's all senseless
                                             like a deadend street
                                             it's so hopeless
              What's the meaning             tell me why I live
              where's my destiny
              I am living
              but there's no sense to see    I could give up
                                             and set my life an end
                                             but then I never
              It can't be senseless          see what it could have meant
              cause I have a friend
              it can't be hopeless
              but I don't understand         Reebok 2/94

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  +---------[  Always remember:   SCOOPEX  -  Generations Ahead!  ]---------+

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