Grotesque by Venus Art
Venus Art G R O T E S Q U E ! Is Virtual Experience still beauty??? An iNTEL Outside IV 65536 bytes production. Programming: Noe & BJSebo Music: Timer / Appendix 3D gfx & design: BJSebo 3D engine technology & programming, debugging, Enforcer hits removal: Noe With this product we started a new episode in our scene life: this time not only fully system friendly demos, but also the CyberGfx support for all productions. This means autmagically recognizing available hardware and using CyberGraphX instead of AGA screen if possible...Hope all you c0d3rz will make demos for CyberGraphX, coz' it's easy as hell ;-) What do you need to see this virtual show?? Well.... - AGA based Amiga (not really: if you have CyberGFX compatible card you can still have phun with this intro... even without AGA) - 8Mb of FAST memory (should also work on 4Mb) - '030 Motorola processor recommended - GFX Card running CyberGfx recommended (What about 80fps average instead of 20fps on AGA???;-) -=* COMMERCIAL BREAK *=- Z efektow mamy enviroment mapping,texture mapping,texture + env mapping texture + env + bump mapping, env + bump mapping i .... i juz. I to wystarczy ;-) -=* COMMERCIAL BREAK *=- Intro compiled with SASC 6.57 and Devpac 3.01 on 11-07-97. ZERO (0) Enforcer hits occured. Tested on: A1200 14Mhz + 8Mb Fast A1260 66Mhz + 32Mb Fast A1230 40Mhz + 8Mb Fast A4060 50Mhz + 72Mb Fast + CyberGraphX Wanna contact us? Say hello, or buy sources? Nothing could be easier: email: -** ATTENTION **- Remember to run SetPatch before this intro. If you are using a CyberGfx system you should also create a 320x200 8bit deep mode. There are some tables calculated before intro starts, so be patient and wait, it's worth it. ;-) 68060 users should run uncompressed version, because the cruncher which we used is not quite 060 compatible. -** ATTENTION **- NEWS: 31-06-97 - Juma was kicked out for being lazy. - Sources for Manipulations The Demo was released (Aminet:dev/asm/VAD_ManipulSrc.lha) - New 64kb Intro - Grotesque! - was presented at Intel Outside IV - New (Old???) 4Kb intro was shown at Intel Outside IV Actual member list: - BJSebo - main organizer, programmer (C, Asm, Power C) - Noe - programmer (C, C++, Asm) - Calf - programmer (C, C++, Asm) 3D Artist - We aren't looking for new members. - We are not going to join any other group (Hi Madbart!) - We are not going to be a subgroup of any other group (Hi MadBart!) *************************************************************************** See Ya on Gravity II !!! WE WANT OUR MONEY!!! ***************************************************************************
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