
Back to oldschool by Mystic Bytes [web]

|                                          bbb             |
|                                          bbb             |
|                                          bbb             |
|                                          bbb             |
|     mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm       sssssssss   bbbbbbbb        |
|     mmmmmm  mmmmmm  mmmm    sssssssssss  bbbbbbbbb       |
|     mmmmmm  mmmmmm  mmmmmm  ssss         bbb   bbbb      |
|     mmmmmm  mmmmmm  mmmmmm    sssssss    bbb   bbbb      |
|     mmmmmm  mmmmmm  mmmmmm         ssss  bbb   bbbb      |
|     mmmmmm  mmmmmm  mmmmmm  sssssssssss  bbbbbbbbbb      |
|     mmmmmm  mmmmmm  mmmmmm  sssssssss    bbbbbbbbb       |
|                                                          |
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|                    Back To Old School                    |
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|                 Released November 12, 2016               |
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|      Atari STe / Mega STe with at least 2 MB memory      |
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| Credits:                                                 |
|           Wiecz≤r                                        |
|                 - Music                                  |
|                 - some 3D objects                        |
|                                                          |
|           Hospes                                         |
|                 - GFX                                    |
|                                                          |
|           Kalms / TBL                                    |
|                 - line drawing routine                   |
|                                                          |
|           Cyprian                                        |
|                 - hardware mirror idea                   |
|                                                          |
|           Wachu                                          |
|                 - all demo code                          |
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|                                                          |
| Some technicall highlights                               |
|  - all effects are computed in RT                        |
|  - rotations and perspective are calculated without      |
|    multiplications/divisions                             |
|  - lightsource effect is computed fully with surface     |
|    normal vector calculations                            |
|  - thanks to STe hardware, mirror on bottom border       |
|    takes 0% processor time (unfortunatelly there are     |
|    drawback so mirror isn't upside down :( )             |
|  - probably first atempt on ST computers to              |
|    Sutherland-Hodgman generalized clipping algorithm     |
|   (clipping after polygon, very computional expensive)   |
|  - very fast and flexible blitter filling routine with   |
|    new masks/offsets blitter computation idea - no more  |
|    addx, whole process happened in one go and for pair   |
|    offset/mask takes only 16 cycles on m68k              |
|                                                          |